Logo showing words Meredith Mentors with a torch representing the letter "I."

Meredith Mentors is an online platform connecting members of the Meredith College community for mentoring and networking. Alumnae/i can connect with other graduates, students, faculty, and staff on a variety of topics such as majors, industry, location, study abroad destinations, and even your CliftonStrengths identified through StrongPoints®.

The Benefits

Graduates are able to network with members of the Meredith community for a short-term connection or for a long-term relations. You can

  • Provide help to students with resume review, finding their niche on campus, job shadowing opportunities, advice on graduate or professional school, selecting a major, financial literacy, left after Meredith, and more.
  • Assist other alumnae/i with issues such as career transition, re-entering the workforce, relocation, career advancement, and negotiation of salaries.
  • Request and be matched with a current student for a long-term mentorship.
  • Connect with your mentee on campus at events designed specifically for Meredith Mentors.
  • Gain instant access to the Meredith community anytime, from anywhere.

Key Features

Meredith Mentors is designed to be flexible, user-friendly, and interactive. Key features of the program include

  • Search and connect as a mentor, mentee, or both
  • Choose involvement levels and manage your time commitment as a mentor
  • Join discussion groups to connect with others who share the same interests of experiences
  • Search for opportunities shared by other graduates and students
  • Discover and post event listings, including networking mixers, career fairs, conferences, and more
  • Access digital resources to assist in forming meaningful mentorship relationships
  • Benefit from career guidance and a wealth of knowledge and support for life decisions and challenges

Email mentors@meredith.edu