Examine your career, investigate a career change, explore graduate school, or seek a new position with the help of professional career counselors. No fee is charged for counseling. Contact OCP for an appointment.

Alumnae can schedule an appointment to assess their interests, skills, personalities and values to help determine a career path that fits with their long-term goals. Assessments available include:

CliftonStrengths is designed to uncover your natural talents and discover what makes you stand out. Based on positive psychology, the assessment will help you identify your top areas of talent from a group of 34 strengths themes. This assessment will help you to discover your talents, explore areas of strength and together with a counselor you can identify complimentary work environments, roles and develop your leadership skills. CliftonStrengths language and tools can be used to help you identify strategies to use what you do well each and every day. 
Purchase the book with access code on your own, approximately $15; 180 items; 30 minutes; Signature Theme Report- 3pages

CliftonStrengths 2.0 can be purchased through retailers such as Amazon, Barnes&Noble and more. Be sure to purchase a new book with an access code to take the online assessment. You will receive your results and report immediately after completing the assessment. Bring your Signature Theme Report with you to meet with a career counselor. 

Strong Interest Inventory®
The Strong Interest Inventory measures your level of interests in occupational areas, activities, school subjects and work environment. The assessment is based on the idea that there are six types of people and six corresponding types of environments. The more similar you are to the environment in which you work, the more likely you are to be satisfied and productive. Your answers are compared to the answers of thousands of satisfied individuals in 120 occupations.
$10; 291 items; 30 minutes; 14 page report

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator identifies an individual’s basic type preferences. Your type suggests what kind of work may be satisfying and the style in which you may want to do your job.
$20; 93 items; 25 minutes; 2 page report

Schedule an Assessment

Make an appointment with a counselor in the Office of Career Planning to discuss your needs and receive access information for the assessments. A follow-up meeting will be scheduled to review results of assessments taken. Appointments may be scheduled via Handshake or by calling our office at (919) 760-8341.

Any applicable fees may be paid by cash or check to Meredith College.

Considering grad school? Explore and prepare for graduate school with Career Planning. Learn more about the timeline for applying for programs and the application process. Receive an individualized review of your personal statement. 

Handshake is accessible to Meredith graduates and is the site that employers seeking Meredith alumnae use to post their full-time, part-time and internship positions.

Career Planning has resources to help you create tailored documents that will get you noticed by prospective employers. Meet with a counselor by phone, webchat or in person to discuss your professional documents and explore strategies to best showcase your experiences, strengths and accomplishments. 

Have an upcoming interview? Schedule a time with a career counselor to practice responses to questions, develop a presentation of your background and experience and the ability to communicate the value you’ll add in the prospective position and organization. Use the Career Guide and tips provided in the Interview section posted on the OCP website.

Meredith sponsors career fairs throughout the year, which give you the opportunity to investigate employers and meet face-to-face with company representatives. All graduates are invited to attend these fairs. Fairs will be posted on Handshake and OCP social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter).

Many times employers that interview candidates on campus for internships and full-time positions will open up their search to graduates. To view opportunities for on campus interviewing, log on to your Handshake account to view opportunities for on-campus interviewing under the Events tab.

Networking is a valuable part of the job search process and career development. Networking comes in many forms and includes connecting through social media, especially LinkedIn, participating in networking events and functions, and completing informational interviews with professionals in career fields that interest you. Join the OCP LinkedIn group to expand your Angel network.

Networking Angels is a group founded in 2010 with the purpose of helping Meredith Alumnae connect and stay connected. Meetings are a time to get to know one another, help each other grow personally and professionally, and share job and business opportunities.