The Office of Career Planning serves as a clearinghouse for incoming internships. If students are interested in earning academic credit for their internship, they will need to work with the faculty coordinator in their academic major. Additionally, students can find information about internships:

  • Online through CareerLink powered by Handshake
  • From departmental faculty coordinators
  • Subscriptions to internship email listservs
  • On posters and flyers posted around campus
  • Connect with OCP and employers or organizations on LinkedIn
  • Use social media: follow employers and search for opportunities on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook
  • Research employers that interest you
  • Attend employer, career, and networking events hosted by OCP and other campus organizations

Once students have located an internship, they should meet with their major’s faculty coordinator to learn how to obtain class credit if academic credit is desired. If students have already completed an internship and would like to gain academic credit through another learning experience, consider Cooperative Education.

Cooperative Education

Cooperative Education is designed to integrate academic study with paid career-related job experiences. The co-op program, coordinated through the Office of Career Planning, offers perks such as:

  • Earn while you learn
  • Experience working a semester- or summer-long job
  • Receive 1 to 4 credits through COE-302 or COE-403 (150 hours/semester for each credit hour)
  • Build your resume and contacts in your field of interests


Stay connected and informed of positions (full-time, part-time, internships and co-ops), upcoming events, on campus recruiting, and employer directory information through CareerLink powered by Handshake, OCP’s online jobs board, which is accessible to current students and alumnae. 

A current and up to date profile on CareerLink powered by Handshake further ensures that when opportunities that meet your interest, background, and skills are available, you can be notified through searches you create or targeted emails sent from our office. Current students and alumnae six months from graduation have an active account. If your account appears to be inactive, contact the Office of Career Planning at (919) 760-8341.  

Before you apply for a job or internship through CareerLink powered by Handshake, you must have your resume reviewed and approved by a career counselor in OCP.  Please plan to allow a few days for the resume review and editing process.

  1. Bring a draft of your resume to OCP for a review, schedule an appointment or come to drop-ins.
  2. Update your resume and make edits based on your conversation with a counselor.
  3. Upload your revised document to CareerLink powered by Handshake.  It will be reviewed by a counselor, you will either receive additional feedback for edits or your resume will be approved and activated.  When your resume is approved and activated you may use your document to apply for jobs and internships.

Contact Information
Office of Academic Programs
104 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8514

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