
Strong Stories Blog

Powerful stories of the Meredith community going strong.

Tylena Brown

Finding A Passion for Human Resources – Tylena Brown »

After sharpening her skills in the United States Marine Corps, Tylena Brown, ’22, chose to attend Meredith College as a Wings — Adult Education student studying business administration with a concentration in human resources.

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class of 2022

Beth Garner

Becoming an ESL Teacher – Beth Garner »

At Meredith, Beth Garner, ’14, M.A. in Teaching, found flexibility, guidance, and financial support through a FELS grant to achieve her goal of becoming an ESL teacher.

Kelsey McCleave, '20

Kelsey McCleave »

As a nontraditional male student, Kelsey McCleave, ’20, was afraid he’d feel out of place in the pre-health, post-baccalaurate program. Instead, he found a welcoming community that prepared him to successfully apply to a physician assistant school.

Taylor Keyes »

As someone who loves a challenge, Taylor Keyes, ’19, finds her work as a lab research technician for Duke Health to be both purposeful and fulfilling. Meredith helped Taylor connect her strengths in problem-solving to a career in vaccine research.

Elizabeth Anglis

Investing in Human Capital – Elizabeth Anglis »

At Meredith, Elizabeth Anglis, ’21, M.A. in psychology, learned the importance of investing in human capital and how to practice critical thinking while keeping people at the forefront.

Cathedia Rose

Improving Employees’ Wellbeing – Cathedia Rose »

Cathedia Rose, ’22, M.A. in psychology, said Meredith’s program gave her the tools to improve hiring practices and performance appraisals with methods backed by a scientific practitioner approach.

Michelle Xiong

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace – Michelle Xiong »

Through Meredith’s I-O psychology program, Michelle Xiong, ’21, M.A. in psychology, was prepared to pursue a job that fulfills her desire to work in the field of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

Paul Jones

Developing Talent – Paul Jones »

Paul Jones, ’20, M.A. in psychology, learned not only how to apply evidence-based concepts to the workplace, but how those changes can impact the bottom line for organizations.

Emily Buchanan

Creating Meaningful Change – Emily Buchanan »

Emily Buchanan, ’21, M.A. in psychology, said Meredith gave her knowledge and tools to create meaningful change for individuals at her organization by being able to ask the right questions.

Arielle Smith

A Better Way of Working – Arielle Smith »

According to Arielle Smith, ’21, M.A. in Psychology, without Meredith’s program, she would have never landed her internship or her job as an HR Assessment Analyst.



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