
Strong Stories Blog

Powerful stories of the Meredith community going strong.

Phonathon Students

Phonathon Students »

Working as phonathon students gave these Meredith students valuable skills and experience

Susan Jackson Mellette

Leading the Way for Women in Medicine – Susan Jackson Mellette »

When Susan Jackson Mellette, ’42, decided to pursue a career in medicine, female physicians were practically unheard of.

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Elizabeth Cox

Powerful Work Ethic – Elizabeth Cox »

Elizabeth Cox, ’15, transferred to Meredith as a junior and took advantage of the range of internships available.

Story tags:

internships transfer

Paula Pope-Jones

Defining Resilience – Paula Pope-Jones »

Paula Pope-Jones completed her degree at Meredith and found the supportive environment she was looking for.

Caitlyn DeBona

Becoming a Strong Leader – Caitlyn DeBona »

My experiences at Meredith taught me to branch out and try new things.

Sandra Close

Sandra Close »

Sandra Close, ’86, earned her degree as an adult student and then went on to direct Meredith’s adult education program.

Story tags:

wings-adult education

Bailey Dunn

Bailey Dunn »

As a sociology and criminology major, Bailey Dunn, ’15, conducted in-depth undergraduate research.

Cullen Moser

Cullen Moser »

Cullen Moser, ’07, earned a second degree at Meredith to pursue the career of her dreams in interior design..

Sharon Hartfield

Sharon Hartfield »

Sharon Hartfield, ’13, M.A. in Teaching, brings her adaptability and leadership skills to her work in the classroom – and beyond.

Story tags:

graduate education mat

Yailyn Polanco



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