Defining Resilience – Paula Pope-Jones

Meredith’s newly-named Wings program builds on a strong history of educating adult women. Recent graduate Paula Pope-Jones, ’14, who majored in graphic design, shared her thoughts on how Meredith has made her even stronger.

Why did you choose to come to Meredith?

I was a student at Wake Technical Community College, completing my associates degree and thinking, “what next?” My guidance counselor suggested Meredith, thinking that the atmosphere would be more conducive to my lifestyle. I attended an adult information session and was sold! I was so impressed with the students discussing the small classroom and how hands-on and approachable the professors were.  Everyone was so excited about me continuing my education. I started the application process immediately.

What are your strengths?

My greatest strength is resilience. Being a student, mother, and wife was very tough – but being determined not to give up sustained my school career.

Do you have advice for prospective adult students?

My advice for adults who are considering pursuing a college degree is to really research schools that can accommodate your lifestyle. Adult students tend to have many other responsibilities that can deter their learning or concentration in classes. Finding the institution that can mesh with your situation will make your experience much easier.

How has your Meredith degree affected your life after graduating?

I think the biggest impact of my Meredith degree was the effect it had on my daughters. They have always been proud of me but once I accomplished this goal it really planted this strong sense of pride in them.