Scholarly Productivity Grants
Scholarly Productivity Grants are available to support faculty members in their development and implementation of innovative ideas and research efforts that connect to Meredith’s Strategic Plan and to individual personal development plans. SPG proposals can be made in the fall and spring semesters for funds to be expended throughout the academic year.  

Scholarly Productivity Grants were awarded to support faculty development projects in the 2018-2019 academic year.  Projects included travel to present at conferences, participation in workshops, collaboration with teachers in other countries, support for sabbatical expenses, support for events held on campus, as well as equipment needed for classroom activities.  

Diversity  Grants
Grants for research, programs, or other ways to ensure that Meredith is a welcoming environment for all members of our community.

Contact Information
Faculty Development Chair
Julie Schrock
205 Ledford
(919) 760-2024