Excellent work deserves a reward.

Meredith recognizes the contributions of our strong faculty through an annual awards program and celebration.

Laura Harrill Presidential Awards
The Laura Harrill Presidential Awards are presented to two faculty members each year, in recognition of their noteworthy contributions to the advancement of Meredith College. This award is supported by the Faculty Applied Meredith Endowment (FAME).

Pauline Davis Perry Award for Research and Publication and/or Artistic Achievement
The Pauline Davis Perry Award for Research and Publication and/or Artistic Achievement is given to a faculty member who has done exceptional research, publication and/or artistic achievement. This award is supported by the Faculty Applied Meredith Endowment (FAME).

Pauline Davis Perry Award for Excellence in TeachingThe Pauline Davis Perry Award for Excellence in Teaching is given to an outstanding teacher at Meredith. Nominations for the Pauline Davis Perry Awards are submitted by faculty and students. This award is supported by the Faculty Applied Meredith Endowment (FAME).

Harry and Marion Eberly Faculty Development Awards
The Harry and Marion Eberly Faculty Development Awards are given to deserving faculty members for the purpose of helping them progress in their area of expertise. This award is supported by the Faculty Applied Meredith Endowment (FAME).

Ida H. Friday Fund
The Ida H. Friday Fund supports faculty development, with preference given to faculty members who are early in their careers. The recipient each year will be able to use the funds to support the faculty member’s general advancement, through travel or advanced study of the topic of his or her choice.

Access Award
The Access Award honors a member of the faculty or staff at Meredith College who has made significant contributions toward the advocacy, support, encouragement and success of students with disabilities. Nominations are collected from students with disabilities and are voted on by the Disability Services Panel.

Contact Information
Faculty Development Chair
Julie Schrock
205 Ledford
(919) 760-2024