Professional licensing boards for psychologists, social workers, and professional mental health counselors universally require confidentiality as part of their ethical requirements.This means that nothing you share with your counselor is revealed to anyone outside of the Counseling Center without your written consent. Counselors do not disclose names or other identifying information to any person, including family or college officials, without consent.

Folder with words confidential

What is Confidentiality?

Mental health professionals have a legal responsibility to disclose client information without prior consent in certain cases to protect clients and others. 

These cases include: 

  • when a student poses a threat to themselves or others 
  • possible child or elder abuse/neglect
  • when the Counseling Center staff are issued a court order by a judge. 



In an effort to provide the highest quality service to our students, your counselor may find it necessary to consult with other Counseling Center clinical staff about your work together. The Counseling Center clinical staff, including counselors and graduate interns, may be included in this group consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are my counseling records part of my permanent Meredith College file? 

Counseling records are entirely separate from academic, financial, or other health records. The Counseling Center and Disability Services maintain records for 10 years.

Can counselors share information about me to others? 

Counselors are unable to release any information about you without your consent. If you feel that it is necessary or would be helpful for your counselor to talk with someone else (e.g., faculty, family, medical professionals, etc.), you have the option to sign an Authorization Form. This legal document will enable your counselor to discuss any matter of your choosing with a specified individual.

What is confidentiality?

Counselors are legally bound to adhere to strict ethical standards and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) laws. This means that nothing that you share with your counselor is revealed to anyone outside of the Counseling Center without your written consent. Counselors do not disclose names or other identifying information to any person, including family or college officials, without consent.

Mental health professionals have a legal responsibility to disclose client information without prior consent in certain cases to protect clients and others.  These cases include:

  • when a student poses a threat to themselves or others
  • possible child or elder abuse/neglect
  • when the Counseling Center staff are issued a court order by a judge.

In an effort to provide the highest quality service to our students, your counselor may find it necessary to consult with other Counseling Center clinical staff about your work together. The Counseling Center clinical staff, including counselors and graduate interns, may be included in this group consultation.

Are my counseling records made a part of my permanent file?

Counseling records are kept separate from any academic, financial, or other health records.

Can counselors share information about me to others?

Counselors are unable to release any information about you without your consent. If you feel that it is necessary or would be helpful for your counselor to talk with someone else (e.g. faculty, family, medical professionals, etc.), you have the option of signing an Authorization Form. This legal document will enable your counselor to discuss any matter of your choosing with a specified person.


Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Counseling Center is not accepting walk-in appointments and is conducting the majority of services through telehealth visits. In crisis, contact the counselor on-call by calling Campus Police at 919-760-8888 or the Critical Response Team at 919-612-6350 for assistance during the fall and spring academic semesters. To schedule an appointment with a counselor, email or call 919-760-8427.

Contact Information
Beth Meier
Director, Counseling Center
208 Carroll Hall
(919) 760-8427
Fax: (919) 760-2383