Research Planning & Assessment
The Office of Research, Planning and Assessment (RPA) supports and facilitates assessment processes and provides institutional research data for continuous improvement.
Goals and Outcomes
Goal 1: Guide assessment efforts for continuous improvement campus-wide.
Outcome 1.1: Support and evaluate annual Continuous Improvement Report (CIR) processes
Outcome 1.2: Facilitate and evaluate Comprehensive Program Assessment (CPA) processes
Outcome 1.3: Provide consultation on special projects such as grants and SOTL
Goal 2: Provide institutional research and assessment data to relevant groups for decision-making, marketing and national rankings
Outcome 2.1: Develop, administer and report results of internal and external surveys
Outcome 2.2: Provide annual institutional research data to internal and external audiences
Goal 3: Comply with federal, national, regional and state reporting requirements
Outcome 3.1: Provide oversight on College accreditation processes
Outcome 3.2: Submit required institutional research data to appropriate bodies
Goal 4: Support college strategic planning processes
Outcome 4.1: Assist units in assessing strategic plan outcomes
Outcome 4.2: Provide and communicate annual strategic plan data
Goal 5: Develop and implement a RPA communication strategy
Outcome 5.1: Communicate assessment results, trends and issues with campus stakeholders
Contact Information
C. Dianne Raubenheimer,
Director of Office of Research, Planning and Assessment
Johnson Hall third floor, 308
(919) 760-8913
Fax: (919) 760-8606