Research Planning & Assessment

Planning, Budgeting and Outcomes Assessment at Meredith College.

The Office of Research, Planning and Assessment (RPA) supports and facilitates assessment processes and provides institutional research data for continuous improvement.

Goals and Outcomes

Goal 1: Guide assessment efforts for continuous improvement campus-wide.

Outcome 1.1: Support and evaluate annual Continuous Improvement Report (CIR) processes

Outcome 1.2: Facilitate and evaluate Comprehensive Program Assessment (CPA) processes

Outcome 1.3: Provide consultation on special projects such as grants and SOTL

Goal 2: Provide institutional research and assessment data to relevant groups for decision-making, marketing and national rankings

Outcome 2.1: Develop, administer and report results of internal and external surveys 

Outcome 2.2: Provide annual institutional research data to internal and external audiences

Goal 3: Comply with federal, national, regional and state reporting requirements

Outcome 3.1: Provide oversight on College accreditation processes

Outcome 3.2: Submit required institutional research data to appropriate bodies

Goal 4: Support college strategic planning processes

Outcome 4.1: Assist units in assessing strategic plan outcomes

Outcome 4.2: Provide and communicate annual strategic plan data  

Goal 5: Develop and implement a RPA communication strategy

Outcome 5.1: Communicate assessment results, trends and issues with campus stakeholders

Contact Information
C. Dianne Raubenheimer,
Director of Office of Research, Planning and Assessment
Johnson Hall third floor, 308
(919) 760-8913
Fax: (919) 760-8606