
By taking on leadership roles on campus, you will gain skills that your future employers will value, such as managing projects, resolving conflicts and leading groups. You’ll build confidence in your abilities, enhance communication skills, learn the importance of leading with integrity and collaborating with others. The Office of Student Leadership and Service is your one-stop-shop to foster your leadership skills, take workshops and get involved.

Emerging Leaders Seminar Series

Emerging Leaders logo.

The series is a non-credit course consisting of seven sessions, which range from discussions of leadership topics to teambuilding activities. You’ll also get the opportunity to learn from alumnae who have put leadership in action.

L.E.A.D. MC 

L.E.A.D. Meredith College logo.

The L.E.A.D. MC Program (Learn. Empower. Advance. Discover.) believes any student can be a leader. The program focuses on developing leadership skills, including critical thinking, teamwork, personal development, and communication. 

Based on the Social Change Model and the NACE Career Readiness Competencies, the program has five focus areas: 

  • Leadership concepts 
  • Identity in contemporary society 
  • Inclusive leadership 
  • Social problems in perspective
  • Activism and community organizing 

Students have the opportunity to earn either the Silver or Gold Leaf level. The Silver Leaf requires students to attend workshops for each of the five focus areas, complete two activities for each focus area, and write a personal leadership manifesto. To earn the Gold Leaf, students must meet the Silver Leaf requirements plus two additional activities for each focus area, build on the leadership manifesto to develop a passion project, and meet with a mentor at least four times.

Leadership Conferences

Student Speaking at Leadershape Cnference.

Each year there are several opportunities to participate in on or off-campus leadership conference. Meredith students are able to participate as conference attendees, presenters, volunteers, and speakers. On-campus conferences include Meredith’s annual High School Women’s Leadership Conference and the Girl Scout Leadership Camp. Off-campus conference opportunities include the NC LEAD Conference hosted by ACPA and the Intersect Conference hosted by Elon University.  For more information about participating in a conference, contact the SLS Office.

Contact Information
Cheryl Jenkins
Director, Student Leadership and Service
202 Cate Center
Raleigh, NC 27607
(919) 760-8338
Facebook Instagram Twitter