
Strong Stories Blog

Powerful stories of the Meredith community going strong.

A Love For Sports and STEM – Aly Henneberry »

For as long as she can remember, Aly Henneberry, ’23, has loved three things: math, science, and tennis. While at Meredith, she affirmed her strengths and pursued several networking opportunities that served her well after graduation.

Henley Peatross playing lacrosse

Leading is Serving – Henley Peatross »

Henley Peatross, ’20, found that her strengths align perfectly with her majors: social work and criminology. She’ll continue to use her strengths while earning her Master of Social Work degree at NC State University,

Madison Hamilton

Preparing for the Future – Madison Hamilton »

Madison Hamilton, ’21, dreams of someday owning a restaurant or bakery. With a double major in hospitality management and nutrition, a minor in entrepreneurship, and an MBA, she’ll be well prepared to take on that challenge.

Meredith student-business administration major Marie Johnson

Ready for Success – Marie Johnson »

Hailing from Banjul, Gambia, Broyhill Fellow Marie Johnson, ’20, says Meredith helped align her strengths with her career path – and land a full-time job with Lenovo after graduation.

Meredith student-business administration major Abigail Crooks

Equipped With the Proper Skills – Abigail Crooks »

At Meredith, Abigail Crooks, ’20 was equipped with skills and resources that allowed her to secure a job at Cisco months before graduation.

Meredith student-athlete Caroline Corey holding a volleyball

Caroline Corey »

Volleyball co-captain and business administration major Caroline Corey, ’20, has completed two powerful internships while at Meredith.

Meredith student-athlete Madison Gladwell

Becoming Even Stronger in Law School – Madison Gladwell »

Madison Gladwell, ’20, embodies what it means to be a student-athlete. A double major in psychology and political science with a concentration in pre-law, she plans to attend law school after graduation.

Meredith student-athlete Essence Thomas

Exercise as Medicine – Essence Thomas »

Exercise and sports science major Essence Thomas, ’20, plans to become a physical therapist with the armed services after she graduates.

MBA alumna Candance Goins in front of her laptop.

Finding a Quality MBA Program – Candance Goins »

Candance Goins, ’15, realized her career was becoming stagnant and knew she needed to make a change. She looked at several schools, but found Meredith best fit her needs.

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MBA alumnus Matthew Evans in front of sign that says Personal and Strong. The Meredith MBA

Advancing a Career in Business – Matthew Evans »

Matthew Evans, ’19, decided to pursue his MBA to gain the skills and knowledge he needed to advance his career.

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