Candance Goins, ’15, realized her career was becoming stagnant and knew that she needed to make a change. She looked at several schools, but found Meredith best fit her needs.
“I was looking for a quality, evening program that would allow me to attend classes in person. I liked that I could have a face-to-face conversation with my professors and classmates, and I felt that the in-person program would hold me more accountable.”
As a mother of two girls and an active member of her community, Candance also needed a program that was flexible, and Meredith fit the bill. She balanced her course load by completing her assignments during lunch at work and weekend mornings before her family activities started.
“Being a working mother, I quickly learned to prioritize and how to work towards goals. I am now a planner. Every evening I plan the next work day and strive to check things off the list.”
One of Candance’s favorite aspects of the Meredith MBA was the interest that professors took in her success. She observed that they were invested in helping her master the subject matter, but also wanted her to develop professionally. As a result, she gained significant analytical, presentation, and communication skills.
And she is putting those new skills to use: after graduating from Meredith, Candance landed a new job at a billion dollar company and was then promoted to Compliance Program Manager.
“Meredith helped me want to grow. When you learn about how businesses are structured, you see all the opportunities out there waiting for you. Why stop at being a Sr. Auditor when you can be VP of Internal Audit or a Director of Finance?”
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