Private Alternative Loans

If your financial aid package does not cover your expense, you have the option of applying for a private alternative student loan. Before pursuing a private alternative student loan, students and parents should ALWAYS pursue Federal loans first or a tuition payment plan.

A student may apply for an alternative loan from a number of lenders. Private alternative loan lenders will require a creditworthy cosigner. This can be a parent, another adult relative, or other person who meets the lender’s requirements for the loan. A cosigner will be responsible for the loan if the student does not pay it back.

Payments can typically be deferred until six months after graduation (just like the Federal Direct Loans) and applications are most frequently completed online.

Steps to Alternative Student Loan Application

  • Determine how much you will need to borrow; you can review your offer letter to assist you with this. The maximum amount you can request is located next to the PLUS/Alternative Loans section of your statement of award.
  • Choose a lender and select Apply Now to begin the alternative loan application process and complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN).

Preferred Lenders

* Lender List was determined based on pervious years’ volume. You are not required to use these lenders. This is not an endorsement, but provided for your convenience. 

Sallie Mae Student Loans
Sallie Mae Application Disclosures
Sallie Mae Rates
Apply now to Sallie Mae Student Loans»

College Foundation of NC – NC Student Assist Loan
NC Student Assist Loan Application Disclosures
NC Student Assist Rates
Apply now to NC Student Assist Loan»




*Beyond the recommended lenders listed above, a wide variety of loans and lenders are available. Students and families are welcome to search, compare, and select the lender of their choice. For multiple options please feel free to use this search

*Lenders are subject to change their terms and/or rates at any time. While Meredith College attempts to keep the information represented in these tables as accurate as possible, it is the borrower’s responsibility to investigate the current benefits, fees, and terms of each lender prior to applying for a loan. Meredith College cannot be held responsible for any changes made by a lender that are not reflected in this comparison.

Contact Information
1st Floor, Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8565
Fax: (919) 760-2373