Sustainability Learning Laboratories

The Meredith Forest: This on-campus forest is more than 50 acres of protected habitat for local wildlife. Home to the tributary creek of the Crabtree Creek watershed, a permanent one-hectare research plot, and over 20 species of trees, the Forest offers a unique learning space and refuge inside Raleigh’s beltline. As a founding institution of the Ecological Research as Education Network, Meredith faculty and students are conducting research in the Meredith Forest.

Dickson Foundation Community Garden: Located behind the greenhouse, the garden grows organic vegetables, herbs, and flowers as part of the undergraduate and graduate food and nutrition programs. Garden produce is also available to the campus community.

Meredith Lake: The lake serves as a valuable on-campus resource for student research. In addition, much of Meredith’s beautiful grounds are irrigated by rainwater collected on campus. Both the Meredith Lake at the McIver Amphitheatre and the pond located behind the Oaks collect rainwater and stormwater runoff, which is then used to irrigate lawns and plantings across campus.

Greenhouse: This campus laboratory houses a diverse group of plants used for educational purposes while providing space and equipment for student research projects.