What degrees will I earn through the DDE program?

You’ll earn two degrees. A Bachelor of Arts degree from Meredith in either chemistry, mathematics, or computer science and a Bachelor of Science from North Carolina State University:

Degree Option 1

Meredith College

NC State University

  • Bachelor of Science – Biological Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science – Biomedical Engineering (the BME pathway is different from all others. Be certain to reach out to Meredith’s Dual Degree Engineering Director, Jennifer Hontz at hontzjen@meredith.edu)
  • Bachelor of Science – Chemical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science – Environmental Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science – Textile Engineering


Degree Option 2

Meredith College

NC State University

  • Bachelor of Science – Aerospace Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science – Biological Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science – Biomedical Engineering (the BME pathway is different from all others. Be certain to reach out to Meredith’s Dual Degree Engineering Director, Jennifer Hontz at hontzjen@meredith.edu)
  • Bachelor of Science – Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science – Computer Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science – Electrical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science – Industrial Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science – Mechanical Engineering


Degree Option 3

Meredith College

NC State University

  • Bachelor of Science – Computer Engineering

Earning two degrees, rather than one, is the best of both worlds and puts DDE graduates in a strong position for leadership in the organizations in which they work. Focused study beyond engineering coursework provides experience, knowledge, and skills in a variety of subjects that often prove to be the most sought-after by employers – creative and communication skills, team work skills, and leadership skills. DDE students will graduate with a multi-faceted view of the world, able to see beyond a singular perspective.

The majority of successful students in the program have the following high school academic profile:

  • 3.25 minimum, cumulative unweighted GPA.
  • Completed English and math through at least precalculus and trigonometry with a grade of A or B; both are important for enrolling and succeeding in English 111 and Calculus I during the first semester at Meredith.

Note: Dual degree students at Meredith must earn a minimum 3.25 GPA in their first two semesters at Meredith and a 3.0 cumulative GPA each semester thereafter. Additionally, DDE students must earn a C or better in all courses and B or better in all math, English, chemistry, and computer science courses.

The dual degree engineering program is a five year program. It is rigorous and will require full-time enrollment and focused attention to studies.

First-year students at Meredith take calculus, English, chemistry, and other required courses depending on the student record and intended major. Students also take an Engineering Challenges and Ethics class at Meredith during their second semester. Engineering classes at NC State begin third semester.

The dual degree program takes five years to complete. Even highly accomplished students with significant AP credit or Early College credits take five years to complete the program. The reasons include: the sequential nature of chemistry, mathematics, and engineering courses, the logistics of completing requirements of two degrees, and the residency requirements for receiving degrees from two institutions. However, the AP and Early College credit often positions students to have greater flexibility in elective courses, allows them to take fewer than 18 credits in some semesters, and opens up time for pursuing extra-curricular activities.

Yes, however, the program cannot be completed in a compressed time frame, and will likely take up to five years. Another option is to consider completing a B.S. in mathematics or chemistry at Meredith in 2-3 years with the transfer credits, and then a Master’s degree in engineering at an appropriate institution. Most Master’s programs take two years.

Students earn two bachelor’s degrees with two majors and do not have the flexibility to add a third major or minor in another discipline.

Yes. You will take at least one credit hour at Meredith College every semester after transferring to NC State.

When you enroll at Meredith, you will be a degree-seeking student at Meredith. Cost, scholarships awarded from the College, and financial aid awarded from the College will be applicable to Meredith College only. Coursework taken at NC State while you are a degree-seeking student at Meredith will be taken through our Cooperating College Partnership. Later in the program, when you apply and are admitted as a degree-seeking student at NC State, cost and financial aid will be administered through NC State. Your Meredith scholarships will not apply to NC State’s program cost.

The scholarships awarded to you at Meredith College are applicable only to the cost of Meredith while you are a degree-seeking student at Meredith. The AWE-STEM and Paschal scholarship will not be applicable to your cost at NC State.

All first and second-year students live on-campus at Meredith or with an approved parent or guardian. Students may live in Meredith housing years 3-5 or choose other living accommodations.

Students can attend graduation ceremonies at both institutions. Students may choose to walk with their class at Meredith after their 4th year or wait until 5th year and participate in commencement at both Meredith and NC State following completion of their studies at NC State.

Should you have additional questions, please reach out to Dr. Sasha Ormond at ormonda@meredith.edu, Dr. Jennifer Hontz at hontzjen@meredith.edu, or reach out to your admissions counselor at 919-760-8581.

Contact Information
Jennifer Hontz
Professor of Mathematics; Co-Director of Dual Degree Engineering; Department Head of Mathematics and Computer Science
279 Science/Mathematics Bldg.
(919) 760-2352

Alexandra Ormond
Professor of Chemistry; Co-Director of Dual Degree Engineering; Department Chair of Chemistry, Physics, and Geoscience
203 Science and Math Building
(919) 760-2399

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