In the event of inclement weather, decisions about closures or delays are made with the safety of all members of the Meredith community in mind, and announced as quickly as possible. 

How and When Decisions are Made

When inclement weather is predicted in the Raleigh, N.C. area, members of Meredith’s executive leadership team use multiple sources to review weather reports, monitor road conditions both on- and off-campus, and consult with other appropriate local officials to determine whether schedule changes are necessary.

Decisions to delay or cancel on-campus activities or delay the opening of campus are typically announced by 6 a.m. on weekdays. If weather conditions change after the initial decision is announced, as much notice as possible will be given if it becomes necessary to make additional schedule alterations. Decisions to cancel on-campus evening classes (beginning at 5 p.m. or after) are typically announced by 3 p.m.

Conditions on and around the Meredith campus are a major consideration in determining hours of operation during inclement weather. However, as a campus community that employs faculty and staff throughout the greater Raleigh/Research Triangle Park area and serves a growing population of graduate and undergraduate commuter students, the College recognizes that members of the campus community may live in areas that are affected differently by adverse weather.

Decisions about whether to come to campus are always best made by individual faculty, staff and students. Professors and supervisors are encouraged to keep these factors in mind during inclement weather. Students are responsible for knowing attendance policies for each class and for communicating any unique circumstances to their professors.

Where to Find Information about Meredith Closures or Delays

College closure or delay decisions are communicated directly to faculty, staff, and students through the following methods:

  • Messages via MC Alert, Meredith’s emergency notification system, to the subscribers’ preferred contact numbers.(Visit the MC Alert link for instructions on registering for MC Alert. You will need your Self Service username and password).
  • Email to all students, faculty, and staff;
  • Meredith College website; and
  • The College’s official Facebook page.

When possible, local media outlets are also contacted with information about closures and/or delays.

Library and Dining Hall Operating Hours During Inclement Weather

Belk Dining Hall (BDH) will remain open regardless of inclement weather. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are generally served according to regular schedule during inclement weather. If the College is delayed, Beehive hours are delayed. Students are encouraged to check the Dining Instagram page, @Meredith_Dining to confirm the schedule for BDH and the BeeHive. Signage will also be displayed outside all entry doors.

The Carlyle Campbell Library will remain open for normal operating hours as long as it is safe to walk across campus. Call 919-760-8532 to see if the library is open before making a visit.

Other department or program-specific cancellations or schedule changes should be submitted to Updates will be posted as appropriate to the Headlines section of the Meredith College website.

Contact Information
Ann Gleason, chair of Meredith’s Incident Response Team
(919) 760-8521