
Middle School Dance Intensive

August 5th-9th 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Click here to learn more and to register.

Orientation Week Line Dance Party 

Monday, August 19th, Time TBD
Weatherspoon Studio A

All Faculty, Staff, and Students are welcome to attend! We will do old favorites like The Electric Slide, The Cupid Shuffle, The Wobble, Dance Program original The Power Slide, and more! No experience is necessary.

Dance Welcome Gathering

Wednesday, August 21st, 10:00-10:50 AM
Weatherspoon Studio A

New students come to meet current students and faculty to learn more about our dance companies and groups. 

Auditions and Current Student Interest Meetings for Dance Companies and Clubs

Wednesday, August 21st 7:10-8:10 PM
Meredith College Dance Crew Interest Meeting
MCDC will provide a once-a-week class in the fall and spring for all interested students. MCDC will continue focusing on hip-hop but will touch on other dance styles and techniques such as jazz-funk as well as strength, stamina, and stability classes. The first four rehearsals will be open to all students and members of the organization will have the opportunity to instruct and lead a weekly meeting class. After the first four rehearsals, students will undergo an audition to participate in a collaborative group dance for the fall concert. For the spring, we will continue the tradition of performing at the women’s basketball halftime. Students wanting to perform for halftime performances will undergo an audition as well after the first four weeks of rehearsals. Additional weekend practices for halftime or concert preparations may be required. MCDC will also be a part of the spring concert, DanceWorks. Contact: Savannah Stainback,, Cady Stanley  Instagram: @_mcdc_ 

Wednesday, August 21st 6:00-7:00 PM (Interest Meeting)
Monday, August 26th, 6:00-9:00 PM (Audition)
Meredith Jazz and Tap Company (Student-led performance group) will hold an interest meeting on Wednesday, August 21st, from 6:00-7:00 PM, and auditions on Monday, August 26th from 6:00-7:30 PM for Jazz technique; and 7:30-9:00 PM for Tap technique. Arrive in Weatherspoon Dance Studio A (31) at 5:30 PM to warm up, stretch, and submit forms. Any Meredith student may audition. Contact: Sydney Nelson Zoe Gray Instagram: mjtco.meredithdance

Friday, August 23rd, 10:00-10:50 AM
Meredith Improv Interest Meeting Meredith Improv is a low-commitment and non-auditioned dance group for anyone (any dance experience, any level) who wants to learn or continue learning how to improvise in dance. Movement improvisation is any non-choreographed movement danced on the spot. Some improvisation can have prompts, some can be exploring different movements than you are used to, and some can just be moving however you want to move. We will have meetings hopefully once a month depending on the availability of everyone. Some meetings will be improvising in the studio, some will be outside on campus, and some will be off campus. Improv has performed in past years at CSA day, before dance concerts, and in random places on campus. Improv is open to anyone and I hope to see you all there! The interest meeting will be held Friday, August 23rd, 10:00-10:50 AM  in Studio A. 

Contact: Jordan Harrell Instagram: 

Monday, August 26th, 10:00-10:50 AM
Meredith Dance Association Interest Meeting Meredith Dance Association is a student-led organization that is composed of students within the dance department. Our goals as an organization are to give back to the dance community, further ignite a passion for dance, and to represent the Meredith dance department well. We will hold an interest meeting on Monday, August 26th at 10:00 AM in Weatherspoon 31 (Studio A). This meeting will cover the points system and other requirements that must be met in order to be inducted into MDA. All students who are interested in dance–regardless of major or minor–are welcome to attend! 

Monday, August 26th, 4:15-5:15 PM (Interest Meeting)
Wednesday, August 28th, 3:30-4:30 PM (Audition)
Meredith Dance Theatre Meredith Dance Theatre (Faculty-directed contemporary modern dance company) will hold an interest meeting on Monday, August 26th, 4:15-5:15 and auditions will follow on Wednesday, August 28th from 3:30-4:30. Contact for more information. Any Meredith student may audition.

Tuesday, August 27th, 6:40-8:40 PM
Meredith Angels Dance Team Audition MADT, a student-led dance team that performs jazz-based routines for Meredith Avenging Angels basketball games and staged dance concerts. Auditions will be held Tuesday, August 27th, 6:40-8:40 PM in Studio A. Contact: @angels.danceteam 

Wednesday, August 28th, 10:00-10:50
Fierce. International. Rhythmic. Experience. 
Info Meeting

(F.I.R.E., student-led multi-cultural dance group) Auditions are not required to participate in F.I.R.E. classes, but are required for performance pieces. The meeting will be held Wednesday, August 28th at 10:00AM in Studio A. Contact: @fireatmeredith

MereCoClogging new in 2023-24, this student-led group creates and performs clogging as a guest on the MJTCo concert and for DanceWorks. @mereco.clogging

MDT and MJTCo Concert Weekend 2024

Meredith Dance Theatre will present contemporary modern works by student, faculty, alumnae, and guest choreographers. The Meredith Jazz and Tap Company will present contemporary, jazz, and tap works by student, faculty, alumnae, and guest choreographers.

Meredith Jazz and Tap Company in Concert
Saturday, November 22 at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, November 23 at 2 p.m.

Meredith Dance Theatre in Concert – 40th Anniversary!
Friday, November 23 at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, November 24 at 2:00 p.m.
Reunion activities TBA

2025 Interest Day and Company Auditions

We will hold an Interest Day and Company Auditions on Saturday, March 1st, 2025 from 9:00AM-4:00PM. Take class with us to learn about the program; receive feedback about class placement; and if you are interested, audition for the 2025-26 season of Meredith Dance Theatre, Meredith Jazz and Tap Company, Meredith Angels Dance Team, and/or the Meredith College Dance Crew. Lunch is provided. Additional company auditions are held after classes begin in August. Auditioning for the companies is optional there is no audition to enter the Dance Program as a major, minor, or co-curricular student. Click here to register. 

In addition to our March 1st Auditions and Interest Day, you can visit the Dance Program through the Office of Admissions. Ask to take a class with us when you schedule your visit!

DanceWorks 2025 Weekend

DanceWorks 24 will feature choreography by Emerging Artist students, Mainstage Artist students, faculty, our Emerging Artist in Residence, and student groups Meredith Angels Dance Team, Meredith College Dance Crew, and F.I.R.E. 

Meredith College, Jones Auditorium 
Tickets are free, and reservations are not required

Emerging Artists Concerts
Friday, April 25 at 7:30 PM
Saturday, April 26 at 2:00 PM

Mainstage Artists Concerts
Saturday, April 26 at 7:30 PM
Sunday, April 27 at 2:00 PM2025 Intre

Contact Information
Carol Finley
Department Chair of Dance & Theatre
8 Weatherspoon
(919) 760-8015

For rental inquiries please contact

Dance & Theatre Department

School of Arts & Humanities »
