Posted by: Dana Sumner, Director, Career Planning
As you consider where to go to college, I’m sure you’re thinking about what you plan to study and how that decision will prepare you for the career you hope to pursue. In my 17 years in the career planning field, I have worked with students who come to college knowing what they want to do with their lives (though that often changes when they get to college – up to 75% of students change their major at least once), while others may not be as sure.
In this post, I’d like to talk about some productive steps you can take to make informed career decisions during college (including some things you can do to get started even before you go to college!).
This is critical to finding a career in which you will thrive. Here are some things about yourself you should consider when working with a career counselor (and others on campus such as your academic advisor):
How do you do this?
When can you get started?
Before you even go to college! I often encourage students to log on to and take the variety of assessments available for free to help you narrow in on your interests, skills, and values.
Once you get to college, it is never too early to meet with the career office. In fact those who explore and make discoveries beginning their freshman year are better prepared and usually employed or heading to graduate school by the end of their senior year.
So, what can you do in the next 10 minutes? Next day? Next month? By the end of the semester? Here are some ideas:
Bottom line: it’s okay not to know right now what you want to do … college will give you time for discovery and the opportunities you need, provided you make the most of the resources that are available to you, starting early and continuing throughout your college career.
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