How to Get a Jump Start on a Graduate Degree

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It may seem too soon to be considering a master’s degree before you’ve settled on the college where you’ll earn your bachelor’s degree.

However, many students have career aspirations that make them certain that graduate study is in their future. To support these goals, many colleges are providing options to allow students to get a jump start on those degrees.

If your career plans call for graduate study, explore whether the colleges you are considering have accelerated graduate degree programs. These are great ways to save time — and money — in pursuit of a master’s degree.

At Meredith College, there are three strong options that allow you to get started on a master’s program while working on your undergraduate degree.

Early MAT Program
Interested in teaching? At Meredith, you can earn a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) in one additional year. Through this program, you would take up to two graduate courses in the Master of Arts in Teaching Program during your senior year.

The Early MAT Program is available to qualified seniors who are interested in pursuing a teaching career. The program offers options in elementary education, English as a second language, health & physical education, or special education (general curriculum).

Learn more about Meredith’s Master of Arts in Teaching

Accelerated MBA
Another option at Meredith is the Accelerated MBA. This is a 4+1 program, which means you’d be able to finish a Master of Business Administration at Meredith in just one additional year.

During your first three years at Meredith, you would take a core set of business classes, and then enroll in two MBA classes during your senior year. After graduation, it would take just two semesters and two summer sessions to complete the MBA.

The Accelerated MBA program is open to students in any major at Meredith, not just business programs. It is an ideal option for non-business majors in the arts, English, communication, STEM fields, or design. Learn more about the Accelerated MBA

Accelerated Law Degree

Want to become an attorney? Meredith has two partnerships that allow you to complete a law degree on an accelerated schedule.

Our partnership with Campbell Law, which is located just down the road in downtown Raleigh, allows you to earn an undergraduate degree from Meredith College and a J.D. from Campbell Law School in just six years. Through our newest partnership with Elon Law, located in downtown Greensboro, students will complete their law degree in two and a half years.

In either option, you would spend three years at Meredith, completing all general education requirements and the coursework for your major. In your fourth year, you’d begin study at Campbell Law or Elon Law, and the credits earned during this year will complete your Meredith degree while counting toward your law degree. These programs pair well with a variety of Meredith undergraduate degrees, including political science, history, English, economics, communication, chemistry, and public health.

While there is no guarantee of admission, Meredith students traditionally have done well in law school, given the excellent preparation students receive. Learn more about Meredith’s accelerated law degree program

Even if you’re not certain you want to get a master’s degree, programs like these are good options to consider. Talk to the recruiter or faculty member in charge of the program and see if it is right for you.

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