

Videos about Meredith College.

click image of medical students to watch video in modal showing Health Professions Advising Program at Meredith College

Health Professions Advising Program at Meredith College

Meredith students interested in going into the healthcare field have the unique opportunity to be a part of the Health Professions Advising Program which allows them to build an academic plan that fits with their strengths and interests, whether it’s medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, physician assistant, or medical research.

Business at Meredith College

Business at Meredith College Playlist

As a business administration major, you will gain the skills needed for today’s competitive and complex global business environment. You will be prepared to pursue a career in fields such as human resource management, sales and marketing, banking, international business, management of nonprofit agencies and government service, or to own your own business.

Click on image of students in science lab to view video in modal explaining Undergraduate Research at Meredith

Undergraduate Research at Meredith

Check out this video series to see the many ways Meredith College students are going strong in undergraduate research.

click on image of brain to watch video in modal showing Psychology at Meredith

Psychology at Meredith Playlist

Our psychology students acquire both research skills and practical skills in applied settings. In addition to internships outside of campus, Meredith offers a unique on-campus learning experience through the Meredith Autism Program (MAP). Students also have numerous opportunities to conduct research, and many go on to present their studies at regional, national, or international psychology conferences.

click on image of Erica Rogers playing piano to watch her video in modal

Strong Story | Erica Rogers

Erica Rogers, ’13, is one of approximately 500 Meredith College students receiving degrees during the College’s 2013 Commencement on May 11.

click image of Christina Churchill to watch a video in modal about the Day in the Life: Dual Engineering Student

Day in the Life: Dual Engineering Student

Dual Engineering student Christina Churchill walks us through her typical day as a student enrolled in the Dual Engineering program, a partnership Meredith College has with NC State University.

click image of female teaching class to watch video in modal about Education at Meredith College

Education at Meredith College

This video is about the undergraduate education programs at Meredith College.

Click image of student holding beaker to watch video about the STEM programs at Meredith College.

STEM at Meredith College

This video is about the STEM programs at Meredith College.

Click image of female student to watch video in modal that explains Studying English at Meredith College

Studying English at Meredith College

The English program at Meredith prepares students to be effective and professional communicators by engaging with the world’s greatest literature and honing the critical thinking and writing skills that are valued by employers in every industry. Learn more about studying English at Meredith and how an English degree can prepare you for a career in any field.

Click image of student working on laptop to watch video in modal of Meredith's Honors Program

Honors Program at Meredith

The Meredith College Honors Program is designed to challenge our most gifted and ambitious students. Through rigorous coursework, individual study and research, and a supportive intellectual community, the honors program helps students meet the high expectations they have for themselves. Students also take an annual honors trip, attend cultural events, and participate in service projects.

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