

Videos about Meredith College.

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Meredith Impact Scholarship Video

Meredith is offering a $20,000 annual renewable scholarship to academically-qualified first-year students who are admitted to Meredith.

Click on image of students at display table during Social Work Advocacy Day to watch video in modal

Social Work Advocacy Day

Meredith College students and faculty participated in the 2019 NC Social Work Advocacy Day. Students gained knowledge about policy issues in substantive areas of social work practice, learned about legislative advocacy, and helped to educate their legislators about the social work profession and important client issues. Learn more:

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Social Work at Meredith College

Meredith College’s social work program offers accreditation, personal attention, and unique field placements not typically available to undergraduate students. The program prepares students to succeed professionally in a wide range of opportunities. It also offers an impressive placement rate in advanced standing MSW programs. Meredith’s social work program prepares graduates to bring about positive change in the world. Learn more:

Click on image of Adult Student Painting in Art Studio to play video in modal

Ask a Meredith Student: Adult Education

Annie Poslusny, ’19, a graduate of Wings – Adult Education at Meredith, shares her experience in the program. Whether you’re nervous about keeping up academically or wondering how you’ll fit studies into your already busy life, Annie’s story will speak to your desire to earn your degree as an adult student.

Click on image of Woman in Art Gallery to play video in modal

Visual Arts Tour

Are you interested in art? Take a tour of Gaddy-Hamrick Art Center, the home of visual arts at Meredith College. Our art students benefit from a rigorous but supportive environment led by faculty who are award-winning, professional artists. Meredith offers a wide variety of opportunities for students to hone their artistic skills in the classroom and beyond in arts-rich Raleigh, N.C. Choose from majors in art education, graphic design, and studio art.

Click image of females looking at artwork in glass to display to watch video

NCMA Intern Annie Poslusny, ‘19

Meredith College benefits from its location near the North Carolina Museum of Art in a variety of ways, including internship opportunities. Annie Poslusny, ’19, reflects on the skills and professional experience she gained from her internship.

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Strong Story | Kelly Fox

Family and consumer sciences major Kelly Fox, ’20, is a future educator who loves helping people and connecting with her community. Through her varied experiences she has learned to embrace her strengths and is excited to help create a culture of respect in the classroom.

Click on image of Andressia Ramirez to play video in modal

Strong Story | Andressia Ramirez

As a Spanish major, Andressia Ramirez, ’19, discovered so much more than the language. It was through those Spanish courses where she found her voice. As a campus leader, Andressia serves as an advocate for Latina women, gives back to her community, and plans to become an immigration lawyer.

Click on image of three students socializing in dorm room to play video in modal

Residence Life at Meredith College

Living on campus is an important and fun aspect of the Meredith College experience. Students are housed by class to build a sense of community among classmates, and research shows living on campus helps with making friends and getting involved in college life. By living in one of Meredith’s seven residence halls or on-campus apartments, students also have easy access to great amenities including free laundry, a newly-renovated fitness center, several campus dining options, and the Raleigh greenway system. And, unlike many college campuses, Meredith offers plenty of conveniently-located parking for students who wish to bring their cars to campus.

Click on Meredith Mentors Logo to play video in modal

Meredith Mentors

President Jo Allen encourages members of the Meredith community to join Meredith Mentors, an online platform that connects the Meredith community for mentoring and networking opportunities.

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