
Who is eligible for WebAdvisor pre-registration?

All currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate degree-seeking students, students earning a second degree or second major, and students who are enrolled in a post-baccalaureate certificate/licensure program may register using WebAdvisor. Prior to registering, a student must be cleared for registration by their advisor and clear any holds on their record (i.e. holds may be placed by the Accounting Office, Office of Admissions, Academic and Career Planning, Dean of Students or Student Health Services).

How can I access WebAdvisor for pre-registration? 

Log on to WebAdvisor using your NetID. If you have lost or forgotten your password, you can reset it online at You must have met with your advisor and your advisor must have authorized you for registration. Your financial account must show no balance due and your medical records must be complete. Remember that if you wish to register for a course that has a pre-requisite, the pre-requisite course must be complete or in progress.

When can I register?

Registration times are assigned based on credit hours earned. To verify your total earned credits, go to WebAdvisor and select “Academic History” under the “Academic Profile” heading. Then under “Transcript Type” select “Undergraduate” or “Graduate.” Your total earned credits are listed at the bottom of the course list. After the tuition due date, a paid tuition receipt or registration clearance card is required at the time of registration.

During what hours will WebAdvisor be available for pre-registration?

Except for regularly scheduled system maintenance time (1:30-4 a.m. daily), WebAdvisor is available seven days a week.

Can I make changes to my schedule after I register?

You may add and drop courses though the “last day to add or drop classes” as noted in the academic calendar.

After the “last day to drop a class (no grade)”, a student may request to drop a class with a grade of “W” in the Office of the Registrar using a Drop/Add form signed by their advisor. WebAdvisor will not allow you to drop all of your classes. If you wish to withdraw from Meredith, you must do so either in the Dean of Students office or in the Department of Education, if you are a licensure only student.

Are there any courses that are not available through WebAdvisor?

Special Registrations:

If you wish to take a course at one of the Cooperating Raleigh College (CRC) institutions, you must register in the Office of the Registrar. Complete an Inter-institutional Approval Form and obtain the signatures of your advisor, and of the appropriate Meredith department head and dean. Return the form to the Office of the Registrar for approval and instructions on how to complete your registration. A placeholder course, CRC-001 will be added to your schedule. Remember that you must earn a grade of C- or higher in order to obtain credit for the class.

If you pre-register for an independent study or an internship (910, 920, 930), your completed special study form is due in the Office of the Registrar no later than the “last day to add a class”.

If you pre-register for an honor thesis or a research project (299, 498, 499), your research form is due in the Office of the Registrar by “the last day to make a grading change” as noted in the academic calendar.

If you would like to pre-register for an applied music course (with the exception of recital courses), you may register on WebAdvisor but are required to complete the applied music form and submit it to the Music Department Office.

If you wish to make a grading change and take a Pass/Fail course for a letter grade or change a registration to audit, you must submit a drop/add request to the Office of the Registrar by “the last day to make a grading change” as noted in the academic calendar.

If you are repeating a course that has a required co-requisite and you are not repeating the co-requisite, you must enroll in that course in the Office of the Registrar.

Are there limits to the number of hours or types of courses for which I may register?

You may register for as many as 18 hours in a semester. With permission from your advisor you may register for 19 hours, but you must go to the Office of the Registrar to add the 19th hour since WebAdvisor limits your registration to 18 hours. If you wish to take more than 19 hours, you must also complete an Application for Course Overload form available in the Office of the Registrar. (Remember, for 19 or more hours you will be charged additional tuition at the current part- time rate.)

Undergraduate students may not register for graduate courses.

What if a course section I want is closed? Can I still get on the waitlist?

Waitlists are available for the spring semester until January 5, and for the fall semester until mid-May. The waitlist process is not in effect during drop/add. Once the waitlists have been closed you must obtain permission of the instructor or department chair to register for a closed class.

I discussed my schedule with an advisor, yet WebAdvisor is telling me I must meet with my advisor.

Make sure you meet with your advisor of record. Check with the Office of the Registrar to verify that your advisor is correctly assigned. If your advisor is correctly assigned, ask him or her to clear you for registration.

I took a class at another institution and it is not showing up on my course history. What should I do?

You should request an official transcript from the institution you attended. If you turned in an approved Off Campus Credit form prior to taking the class, we will put the class on your record as soon as we receive the transcript.

Last year my tuition bill did not get paid on time and all of my classes were dropped. What happens if I pre-register through WebAdvisor and forget to pay my bill?

Your courses will be dropped. Students whose tuition bills are not paid by the tuition due date will be de-registered and their access to WebAdvisor registration will be denied. Those students will need to re-register in the Office of the Registrar with a tuition receipt or registration clearance card.

How can I print a copy of my schedule once I have finished registering?

From the Student menu in WebAdvisor, select “My Class Schedule.” Click on the printer icon on the top of the screen and your schedule will print on your Windows default printer.

How can I get help with WebAdvisor?

If you are having trouble with registration in WebAdvisor, call the Office of the Registrar at ext. 8593. For technical difficulties or problems logging into WebAdvisor, call the Help Desk at ext. 8989. Both lines are staffed during normal business hours, 8 a.m.-5: p.m., Monday through Friday.

Contact Information
141 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8593