Students Say Thank You!

Understanding the difference a gift to Meredith can make in a student’s life may seem like an abstract idea for both the donor and the student when the two are not shown the direct impact of that gift each day. Through Thank a Donor Day, The Meredith Fund has been able to address and begin closing this understanding gap for students and donors.

Each year, during Founders’ Week, yard signs acknowledging donors are placed around campus. The purpose of these signs is to draw student attention to loved items and places on campus that were made possible by gifts from generous alumnae and friends of the College. These signs highlight scholarships, technology enhancements, renovations to classrooms, and improvements to the grounds around campus. On Thank a Donor Day, or the day after Giving Day, students demonstrate their appreciation by taking pictures with and explaining why they chose yard signs that are particularly meaningful to them. At the conclusion of the event, students share their gratitude by signing “thank you” postcards to members of our Ivy and Iris Societies.

Thank a Donor Day allows students to see pieces of their college experience that are made possible by our strong network of alumnae and friend donors. Teaching students the importance of giving is the first step in creating a strong network of alumnae who believe in and give back to their institution. Our students are our future and Thank a Donor Day is one of many ways to ensure that Meredith College will always continue Going Strong!

Here’s one example of a Thank a Donor Day message from student Paige Lawrence, ’21.

“My name is Paige and I chose the addition of campus lighting because I am passionate about the safety of the Meredith campus. More lighting allows students in late night classes to arrive at their buildings, residences, and cars with a greater sense of safety. I personally enjoy evening walks and talks on the phone while walking outside, and this additional lighting allows me to feel safer and more aware of my surroundings. I appreciate this donation from the Parents & Families Fund, and I know my parents appreciate knowing that their daughter is extra safe at night too.”

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330