Staying Strong Updates 7/15/20
- Published
As focus changes to preparing for the new academic year, we are changing this Campus Connections feature from Coronavirus Updates to Staying Strong Updates. Items are either of interest to faculty/staff or on topics about which students may ask questions.
Staying Strong website
A new website,, has been developed to help communicate Meredith’s plans for the 2020-21 academic year. All Meredith community members, including students, faculty, and staff, will play important roles in reducing the spread of COVID-19. The Staying Strong site includes resources and information, updates on academics, community standards for safety, and other guidance. COVID-19 case notifications will also be posted to this site. This site replaces the previous coronavirus website that was in use throughout the spring semester and earlier in the summer.
What to Do if You are Sick or Exposed to COVID-19
Meredith employees are asked to self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms. Please review guidance on what to do if you have symptoms or have been exposed to COVID-19.
COVID-19 Prevention Signage
The Department of Marketing has worked with campus partners to develop the signage needed as part of the Staying Strong campaign to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Signage communicating campus-wide directives, including “Remember the 3 Ws,” elevator single occupancy, etc., are being placed in appropriate places on campus. The signage project includes large format signs that departments can order through the Copy Center, and other campus signage that can be downloaded to print on office printers, and/or ordered through the Copy Center. Employees can access these downloadable signs on the Marketing Department page on MyMeredith. This site is self-service, but if there are signage needs in your department that are not met with these signs, please email for assistance.
Cleaning Supplies Distribution for Workspaces
Maintaining a healthy environment during this health crisis requires that we all accept and take personal responsibility for behavior changes in our work areas. To assist with those efforts, Meredith is providing cleaning supplies that you can use to clean your own office/work space between the routine cleanings that our housekeeping staff provides. Meredith will provide these supplies through the Meredith Post Office and you may request supplies by using the request form found on My Meredith. For more details, read the message about this process, which was shared with employees via email on July 6.
Commencement 2020
It is still Meredith’s intent to hold a ceremony of some type to celebrate the accomplishments of the Class of 2020. With limits on gatherings in N.C. still in effect and the availability of venues uncertain, we have not been able to make as much progress as we had hoped on rescheduling an in-person event. A new working group has been appointed to investigate and recommend alternatives for Commencement Weekend 2020, with a goal to provide another update during the week of August 1.
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