Staying Strong COVID-19 Prevention Updates for Parents & Families
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Thank you for supporting your student in following Meredith’s Staying Strong COVID-19 prevention guidelines, including our Entrance Testing requirement for the spring semester, that are so critical to keeping our campus and community safe during this challenging time.
COVID-19 is still a severe issue and new virus variations make it imperative that our students, employees, and visitors continue to follow our Community Standards.
Here are some updates that were recently shared with students regarding COVID-19 prevention.
Safe Semester and Spring Break Guidance
As previously announced, Meredith intends to hold spring break from Monday, March 15 to Sunday, March 21. Because of continued COVID-19 spread throughout the country, we strongly discourage any travel over spring break. If students decide to travel or attend an in-person group event or ceremony, either for spring break or at other times, they are asked to follow the COVID safety guidelines listed below.
Meredith also recommends that any Meredith community member who has traveled or been around anyone they do not live with should quarantine off-campus and then obtain a COVID PCR test 5-7 days into their quarantine period. They should wait for their results to be returned and only return to campus if the PCR test is negative. Unlike Entrance Testing, negative test results do not need to be shared with Meredith College officials. Free off-site testing is available in many locations. Visit these links for information in Wake County and throughout the state.
COVID Safety Basics
Anyone who lives, learns, or works at Meredith or visits the Meredith campus must adhere to the Three Ws: Wear a face covering, Wait six feet apart, and Wash hands frequently. Other guidance includes not gathering in groups and self-monitoring for COVID-19 symptoms (including using the CampusClear app if they live on campus or are coming to campus). Meredith College students and employees are all required to adhere to the College’s Community Standards and mandates from the State of North Carolina both on campus and off.
The health and safety of our students and employees remain Meredith College’s top priorities. We appreciate how seriously our community has taken COVID safety protocols throughout this pandemic.
Visit our Staying Strong website for more updates throughout the semester.
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