Second Annual Parents Day Held
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Meredith College Parents Day was held on Saturday, October 22, 2016. The day, organized by The Parents Fund, gave nearly 300 parents of current students the opportunity to learn more about Meredith College, spend time with their student, and enjoy fun activities.
“Parents Day serves as the perfect opportunity to welcome families to campus to showcase the wonderful work of our students, faculty, and staff,” said Margo Alfieri, ʼ11, parents gift officer. “We want parents and their students to have a meaningful experience while on campus, so presentations from key campus leaders combined with dinner and evening entertainment ensures there is something for everyone.”
Parents began their day at 1 p.m. by attending an Avenging Angels soccer game and visiting the Gaddy-Hamrick Art Gallery open house. After registration, parents had the opportunity to shop the Meredith Market before heading into Jones Auditorium to hear a State of the College from President Jo Allen, ʼ80.
Macy Allen, ʼ17, presented Visual Literature: Writers and their Words. This topic was the focus of her undergraduate research project, where she combined her love of literature with art. Macy crafted 14 portraits of authors and incorporated their corresponding quotes, providing the viewer with an illustration of the author and his or her work. Allen’s canvas art collection and descriptions of her work were displayed in the Jo Ellen Ammons Welcome Center for guests to see.
Chief of Police Al White spoke about campus safety. He discussed the safety training sessions that have been offered on campus since he joined the Meredith community, as well as the cross training model he has in place with all officers on his team. He explained that his goal is to connect with students to learn their communication preferences so he can better serve them.
Dana Sumner, director of career planning, spoke on the topic of preparing students for career success, and how that is accomplished at Meredith. From learning outcomes that employers are looking for to resources offered from her office; Sumner gave parents and students a 360 degree view of what it takes to become successful.
A dinner reception was held in the newly renovated Johnson Hall and Jo Ellen Ammons Welcome Center. At the reception, families were able to capture a memory of the experience in a photo booth. The day concluded with an improv comedy show with surprise guests Dean of Students Ann Gleason and Director of Residence Life Heidi LeCount.
“We were not sure what to expect with the improv comedy show, but we are certainly glad we stayed! Parents Day was very enjoyable for our family,” said Phil Pritulsky, parent of Addy Pritulsky, ’20.
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