Retired Faculty and Staff Luncheon Reimagined

On October 2, Institutional Advancement hosted the 10th annual Retired Faculty and Staff Luncheon with over 35 attendees. Like every other event conducted this year, IA had to rethink how to make this event safe and special for retired faculty and staff.

The program portion of the event was moved to Zoom and attendees could do a drive up pick-up lunch from Belk Dining Hall. When the attendees entered the Zoom call they were thrilled to see old friends and to chat with each other. President Jo Allen delivered a College update to the group and did an extensive question and answer session following it.

“Although Zoom is new technology to many people, these retired professionals navigated muting and unmuting themselves better than many of us Zooming daily,” said Astra Ball, director of advancement services. “All in all, it was a different type of event. but we were all reminded of the special bonds this group formed while working on campus. We received several emails afterward thanking us for bringing them together”

The Institutional Advancement team looks forward to the 11th annual event next year and hopes that it will be in person!

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330