Professor of Mathematics Cammey Cole Manning to Present Faculty Distinguished Lecture

Professor of Mathematics Cammey Cole Manning will deliver Meredith College’s 2018 Faculty Distinguished Lecture on Tuesday, October 9, 2018, at 7 p.m. in Jones Auditorium.

Manning’s lecture topic is “Mathematical Modeling of Antibiotics: Should the Dose be the Same for Everyone?”

Cammey Cole ManningMathematical modeling is used daily in health care and by the pharmaceutical industry.  Determining the most effective dose of antibiotics to treat certain types of infections is one example of using mathematical modeling in health care.  Adults are often administered the same dose of antibiotics regardless of differences in height, weight, age, and sex.  In this era of increasing concerns about antibiotic resistance, administering the correct dosage is essential; mathematics can play an important role in this process.  Mathematical models have been developed to investigate the uptake, distribution, and elimination of antibiotics in the body, and simulations have been performed to consider the distribution of antibiotics in men and women with varying body mass indexes.  Results of these mathematical models could help to determine how dosing regimens should be altered in the future.

Manning is a professor of mathematics and head of Meredith’s Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.  She has been actively involved with the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM), and the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI), particularly in mentoring and planning professional development programs and workshops for undergraduates, graduate students, and early-career individuals. She continues to be active in research, most recently publishing in the Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering journal.

Manning earned her B.S. in mathematics and computer science at Duke University and completed her Ph.D. in applied mathematics with a concentration in computational mathematics at North Carolina State University.

The Faculty Distinguished Lecture was designed to represent a significant achievement of research by a faculty member. The first lecture was presented in 1964 by Professor of English Norma Rose.

This event is free and open to the public. The lecture counts as an Academic/Cultural Event for General Education for Meredith students. The Faculty Distinguished Lecture is sponsored by Meredith’s convocation committee.

Melyssa Allen

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