Plan of Action on Race Frequently Asked Questions
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Is Meredith College changing its name or the names of any of its buildings?
Any decisions about naming and name changes are premature and can be made only by the Board of Trustees. At this point and in reflection of similar conversations at scores of other institutions, the College is building a process and a framework for understanding and contextualizing the college’s history in its times. That process and framework, once developed, will be shared with the wider community, and we will share routine updates.
What is the timeline for the work of the Committee on Naming?
The Committee on Naming aims to complete its work prior to the end of the year, with a progress report being released to the Board of Trustees prior to the end of October.
What is the composition of the Committee on Naming?
The Committee on Naming will be co-chaired by trustees Chair Carolyn Leith, ’85, and Vice Chair Dr. Yvette Brown, ’90. The inclusive committee is comprised of trustees, alumnae, and employees. The committee is diverse by race, gender, and age.
What is the Committee on Naming responsible for?
The Committee on Naming is charged with developing a process for discussing the history and context of the naming and potential renaming of buildings at Meredith College. The committee is not responsible for making decisions to change the names of any buildings, programs, or other entities at Meredith. The Meredith College Board of Trustees is the exclusive authority on renaming decisions.
What is the timeline for Meredith’s fuller initiative on race?
Formally launched in Summer 2020, Meredith’s initiative on race is a comprehensive, long-term commitment. Specific actions and efforts are underway for ’20-21, with the guidance of experts on race and higher education. Our anti-racism work will include a campus climate survey that gives all students/alumnae an opportunity to share their experiences. Our work is grounded in cultural humility, meaning we must acknowledge how our experiences differ and to what effect. We will be hiring a diversity, equity and inclusion consultant, and we will review and modify practices and policies that disadvantage some of our students. The College’s anti-racism work will be thoughtful, well-informed, and ongoing.
We will share the progress we are making through regular email updates and a dedicated web page.
What will Meredith’s initiative on race address?
Through the initiative on race, the College will
I want to be involved in Meredith’s initiative on race – how can I get involved?
Thank you for your interest in participating in this important effort. We are called to be thoughtful in assessing our history, action and ongoing work. One of the most important ways alumnae/i and current students can get involved is by participating in the climate survey which will be launched later this fall. As our work unfolds, we will share additional ways to get involved as opportunities arise. We thank you for your interest, patience, and support for this important work.
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