New Assistant Professor of Communication Brings Real-World Learning, Expert Insight to Students

Videographer, news reporter, creative services director and freelancer are just some of the roles new assistant professor of communication Alan Buck has held before coming to Meredith.

With a Master of Arts in Interactive Media from Elon University and years of experience in the field, Buck brings a unique level of expertise to the classroom. He is excited to join the faculty full-time after receiving exceptional feedback from a Digital Media class he piloted at Meredith a few years back.

As a new media expert, Buck is able to teach communication students about the most up-to-date technology and software used in the field. “I’m still freelancing some on the side,” he said, “so I’m in tune to what clients and employers are looking for on resumes and in portfolios.”

In addition to doing freelance work, Buck is also working on a pilot for a cable reality series. Though he has spent most of his career either behind the camera or in front of it, he plans to play the less time-consuming role of producer on this project so that he can continue teaching.

Buck is helping communication students to build pieces for their portfolios through community-based  learning projects in two of his classes. In his media class, students are partnering with the College Foundation of North Carolina to produce a promotional video that will be seen by every high school senior in the state. “This is an incredible opportunity,” says Buck, who believes this experience could set his students apart when applying for jobs in the future.

In another class, students are working with clients of their choice to assist them in building communication and marketing plans for their organizations, many of which are non-profits.

Buck is providing his students with network connections and resume-building options outside of the classroom as well. Some of these opportunities include volunteering on the set of Carolina Week, a student- produced news broadcast at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, analytics workshops taught by experts, and possibly a trip to New York City for the College Media Convention in the spring.

He also hopes to give students a chance to study abroad through the Communication Department. “My dream is to take students overseas and give them the opportunity to partner with a non-profit, similar to the way they are in my classes.”

Buck notes that he came to Meredith because he saw an opportunity to help build something important. “Here I see momentum, passion, and a yearning from the students to learn more and I’m very excited to be a part of that,” he said.

He calls department head Teresa Holder a “visionary” and believes that with her leadership and the skill set and knowledge held by other faculty in the department, the communication program is stronger than ever.

By Cailyn Clymore, ’18

Melyssa Allen

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