Meredith Participates in State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium

Fourteen Meredith College students presented their work at the State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium on November 23.

SNCURCS provides undergraduate scholars in all fields a forum to share the results of their work through posters, presentations, performances, and works of art.

Two Students at State of NC Undergraduate Research & Creativity SymposiumThe participants and their research topics were:

  • Barbara Teague (Biology and Environmental Sustainability): Crayfish and their microscopic critters: crayfish symbiont response to invasion within the Chetco River System southwestern Oregon
  • Jenna Curia (Psychology): A Qualitative, Cross-Cultural Analysis of Gender and Identity within Religious Workspaces
  • Alexis Tennant, Miranda Hosington (Child Development and Fashion Merchandising and Design): Impact of School Dress Codes on Adolescent Identity Development
  • Maxine Green, Cara Avery, Amanda Price (Biology): Using Echolocation to Determine Factors which Influence Bat Activity
  • Sam Smith (Biology): Effectiveness of Insecticide Treated Nets in Preventing Malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Jasmine Barnes (Psychology): Examining the relationship between Gender, Belongingness, and Loneliness in Adolescents
  • Meredith Welch, Hannah Elvington, Shreya Simha (Public Health): Environmental Drivers of Infectious Disease Emergence in Brazil 2007-2017
  • Julia Johnson, Morgan Hendrix (Psychology): Motivation and Leadership Development Among High-Performing High School Students

The student research teams were supported by faculty mentors Cindy Edwards, Pamela Norcross, Maria Pickering, and Carolina Perez-Heydrich, and student research mentor, Allie Kvasnicka, who also attended the conference.

Learn more about Undergraduate Research at Meredith

Melyssa Allen

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