Meredith Mentors Student Spotlight: Meredith Brown,’20

Meredith Brown, ’20, is from Wilson, N.C., majoring in communication with a concentration in public relations and a minor in business. When on campus, Meredith likes hanging out with her friends and participating in various extracurricular activities and traditions. When she’s not on campus, you can find her working at her part-time job or spending quality time with her family. In this Q&A, Meredith shares her perspective on Meredith Mentors.

Meredith Mentors: Why did you join Meredith Mentors? What are you looking to gain by using the Meredith Mentors platform?    

I joined Meredith Mentors as a way to get involved with alumnae while still attending Meredith. I was hoping to connect with alumnae who are in the communications field for potential job opportunities as well as someone who could mentor me as a senior preparing to leave Meredith. I also hope to be able to use the platform to give advice to students after I graduate.

MM: As a liberal arts institution, we produce well-rounded alumnae thanks to a curriculum that requires you to take courses outside of your major and minor fields of study. What is one course that you took that was not within your major but has been beneficial to you in your professional life?

I am a public relations communication student and one course that I took that wasn’t part of my major was Computer Literacy and Design, where I had the opportunity to learn different Adobe Suite programs like Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator. This has been one of my favorite classes at Meredith, and I have been able to continue using these programs even after the class ended.

MM: Are you still in touch with any of your former faculty members? Or, can you share how our faculty impacted your student experience?

From freshman to senior year, I changed my major a couple of times before finding the right fit. During that time I met with several faculty advisors and my first advisor was Dr. Jane Crowley from the Interior Design Department. Dr. Crowley was very kind and helped me navigate my first year at Meredith. My current advisor, Dr. Teresa Holder, is always available if I need to talk to her about anything, from figuring out my class schedule to just talking about potential job and internship opportunities. Because of the amazing and dedicated faculty and advisors at Meredith, I have always felt welcome and know that I have someone I can go to about anything.

MM: Are you involved in any student clubs or organizations? If so, how did those extra-curricular experiences shape you?

Throughout the past four years at Meredith, I have had the opportunity to be involved in a number of extracurricular activities, such as student advising, Can Art, Residents Housing Association, Orientation Crew, and Study Abroad Peer Ambassador. Although all of these opportunities have helped shape me to be a confident leader, I would say that being a Study Abroad Peer Ambassador has been my favorite experience. I get to work with my friends I’ve met through studying abroad as well as encourage and inform current students about the many different study abroad programs at Meredith.

MM: How do you think your Meredith experience is preparing you for life beyond the back gate?

Meredith College has definitely prepared me for life beyond the back gate in more ways than one. From the wonderful advisors in career planning to all the amazing professors I’ve had, I have been given extremely helpful advice on how to manage the real world and navigate various situations.

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Melyssa Allen

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