Meredith Family Event Held Virtually

The Meredith Fund Office held a special Meredith Family Event for grandparents, parents, and special family members on March 25, 2021. The event gave families a chance to connect with the College, hear highlights from the year, and learn about the history and traditions of Meredith.

President Jo Allen, ’80, welcomed Meredith families and provided a College update. Allen answered questions from attendees regarding graduation, classes in the fall, and the safety measures Meredith College has taken during the pandemic. 

While sharing her thoughts on Meredith’s success during COVID, Allen recognized the students’ commitment to health and safety. “They took this very seriously. I think they realized they wanted as much of a true college experience as they could have,” said Allen.  Allen emphasized how faculty and staff across campus have had strong COVID coordination efforts, and that the College continues to stay on top of health and safety procedures.  

Ann Gleason, dean of students, was the guest speaker who spoke about the unique programs, services, traditions, and events that are part of the Meredith experience.

Gleason commented on the challenges presented by COVID and the ways that student leaders have helped to modify programs and events to make them possible. Additionally, Gleason showed photographs spanning the 130 years of Meredith’s history and shared how these student experiences helped to build a sense of community that Meredith alumnae remember years after graduation. “The hallmark of the Meredith experience is the small community and the ability to connect and to build relationships that are sustained, not just during their time at Meredith, but beyond Meredith,” said Gleason.

The evening concluded with remarks by Emily Graham Howell, ’79, a member of the Parents & Families Council and the mother of Emily who is Class of 2022. Howell shared a story about a professor who went out of his way to help her daughter.  “It is a perfect example of the Meredith community, the relationship between the students and faculty, and how it’s more than just the academics,” said Howell.

Betsy “Jamie” Stafford attended the event because her granddaughter Camille is the Class of 2023. Stafford enjoyed hearing updates from College officials and appreciated being included in this opportunity.   “It gives me a great deal of peace knowing that she is in the hands of knowledgeable and caring educators supported by a motivated and involved staff intent on connecting with family. This became even more obvious to me while attending the event.”

Thank you to the many family members who were able to join us for this special occasion.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
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