How You Can Support Meredith During Meredith Mayhem
- By Erin Cleghorn, director of The Meredith Fund
- Published
Each year, The Meredith Fund encourages alumnae and friends of the College to give where their passions lie. Class projects, memorial scholarships, special programs, and departments all benefit from annual gifts throughout the fiscal year. The Meredith Fund also places a strong emphasis on gifts to the College’s greatest needs. And in these unprecedented times, the unrestricted funds given with this designation are more vital than ever before.
The College’s Greatest Needs fund is a bridge between Meredith’s long-term goals and its present-day needs. While more substantial portions of the operating budget come from tuition and the endowment, unrestricted gifts to the greatest needs are essential to the financial health of the College and must be renewed every year. These funds support all of the immediate needs of the College like scholarships, community-based learning, study abroad, academic departments, faculty development, campus grounds and facilities, and Presidential priorities. With the changing landscape across our globe because of the spread of COVID-19, Meredith College’s needs are shifting. The flexibility these funds provide is critical to allow the College leadership to prepare, react, and adapt to unforeseen circumstances.
Since 2011, The Meredith Fund has held a competition between the classes of each decade known as Meredith Mayhem. While its format has changed over the years, Mayhem encourages alumnae to give annually, regardless of the designation. This year, Mayhem will ask alumnae to give to the College’s greatest needs above all others.
While Mayhem usually begins on Alumnae Reunion Weekend, the competition will now commence on May 1 and run through June 30. All gifts during the course of the fiscal year count toward class participation goals. Classes with the most donors in each decade will win the competition. Weekly updates will be sent to all alumnae to track their class performance and updates will be sent to class gift agents to share with their classes. Leaderboards will be refreshed daily on the Meredith Mayhem website at
Gifts from alumnae during Meredith Mayhem support students and faculty and give them the tools they need to plan for the next wave of Angels coming in the new academic year. Supporting the College’s greatest needs helps to keep all of Wonderland Going Strong.
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