Graduate and Certificate Program Prospects Attend Free Workshop at Meredith
- By Kristi Eaves-McLennan, ’15 (MBA)
- Published
Nearly 100 women and men from across the state filled Meredith’s newly-renovated Kresge Auditorium on Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019, to learn more about advancing their education.
Meredith’s free Graduate Workshop, organized by graduate and post-baccalaureate certificate programs staff, has been held annually for the last five years.
This year’s event covered a range of topics including how to prepare for entrance exams, strategies for writing a personal statement, choosing references, and where to look for information about paying for graduate school.
Monica McKinney, director of graduate programs and professor of education, said the goal was to present information to help boost the confidence of those contemplating an advanced education.
“We recognize that the idea of returning to school – whether it be to obtain a graduate degree or a post-baccalaureate certificate – can be both exciting and intimidating,” she said. “The principal message is that graduate school is more attainable than some might think.”
Keynote speaker Megan Greer, ’03, ’12 (MBA) said her Meredith graduate school experience helped her make the most of her strengths.
“I learned how to play to my strengths,” Greer said. “Before I started the MBA program, I thought everyone had the same strengths I did and I quickly learned that’s not the case. Being able to work with and learn from people who had different strengths provided such a rich experience.”
Greer, who is now assistant vice provost and managing director for entrepreneurship at NCSU, credited her Meredith MBA experience with helping her reach her professional goals.
“It put my career and my life on the right track,” she said. “I wouldn’t have been able to grow in my career without my graduate degree from Meredith.”
Following the workshop presentations, attendees also had the option of attending a program-specific information session to get more in-depth information on one of Meredith’s graduate and post-baccalaureate programs.
The graduate workshop serves multiple purposes, McKinney said.
“The event raises awareness of Meredith’s graduate programs and provides us an opportunity to meet with interested prospects,” she said. “We also see it as a larger service to the Meredith community. Many of our undergraduate students attend the workshop as they consider their post-graduation options.”
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