Fall 2017 Opportunities for Career Exploration

The Office of Career Planning is excited to meet your student(s) this fall! Whether she is just getting started at Meredith, or getting excited about graduation this May, our counselors are available to support her as she navigates her career path every step of the way. It’s never too soon for her to start thinking about her post-graduation plans. Choosing a major, being intentional about experiences gained, and interacting with professionals to make strong connections are part of this process for your student that begins now!

Over the summer, OCP partnered with Handshake – a modern career development platform – to replace our previous CareerLink system. CareerLink powered by Handshake is your student’s one-stop-shop for career resources. The recruiting database offers new, improved features for students and alumnae, including:

  • Access to personalized internship, co-op, and full time job recommendations based on major and interests
  • The ability to view and register for career fairs, information sessions, and networking events through a more streamlined, easy-to-use platform similar to LinkedIn
  • Easy access to apply for an increased number of jobs, paid internships, and on-campus interviews with top companies
  • The ability to schedule appointments and communicate directly with OCP counselors through the system

We have a strong selection of events and programming scheduled for the fall semester, including the launch of our Angels Suited for Success professional development certificate program and the Internship Discovery Expo in early September; various information sessions throughout the semester featuring employers such as Credit Suisse, SAS, NAVAIR, and the State Government Internship Program; and a site visit for students to Eaton Corporation.

Please encourage your student to be intentional about her career decision-making process. Encourage her to utilize her new CareerLink powered by Handshake account to stay on top of upcoming career-related events and view job and internship postings, and to visit the Office of Career Planning early and often! We are happy to help her navigate options, explore opportunities, and create a plan.

—Submitted by Jane Matthews, Assistant Director, Employer Relations, Office of Career Planning

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330
