Faculty & Staff Celebration and Recognition
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On Tuesday, September 20, faculty and staff joined together to celebrate the success of last year’s Faculty & Staff Giving Campaign. To honor the occasion, Ed Stephen from the Music Department performed with The Paco Band. Colleagues gathered together, listened to music, and enjoyed a food truck picnic on campus.
We take great pride in the commitment and generosity of our campus employees. In the last fiscal year, 72.5% of faculty and staff made annual gifts to the College, and we raised more than $83,000. These funds are included in the campaign totals which support the six pillars of the strategic plan. This is a momentous time as we make Meredith College even stronger for generations to come.
To learn more about faculty and staff giving, please visit our website.
If you have questions, please contact Jean Gambrill at gambrillj@meredith.edu or x8392.
Honoring Our Faculty and Staff Donors for Their Participation
Thank you to our faculty and staff donors who made gifts to Meredith College from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.
View a list of faculty and staff donors from the past fiscal year.
Congratulations to our 17 areas/departments on campus that achieved 100% giving participation last fiscal year!
And thank you to areas/departments with participation increases: School of Business, Chemistry, Physics & Geoscience, Education, History & Political Science, Psychology, Religious & Ethical Studies, Residence Life, Technology Services, and Theatre
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