Faculty/Staff Accomplishments and News Briefs 1/24/18

In this issue we celebrate the accomplishments of faculty and staff in Research, Planning and Assessment, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology. We also share news from Student Leadership & Service and Technology Services.

Assistant Professor of Sociology Kris Macomber was quoted in a Variety article about sexual harassment charges against members of the news media.

Professor of Political Science David McLennan was a plenary speaker at NC Campus Compact’s Voting Institute and discussed the changing demographics of North Carolina Voters. In addition, he published two op-eds: on increasing political polarization in North Carolina (with Assistant Professor of Political Science Whitney Ross Manzo) and on the impact of 2017 municipal elections on the 2018 midterms.

Assistant Professor of Political Science Whitney Ross Manzo and Professor of Political Science David McLennan presented “Understanding the Pipeline for Women: A Study of Women and Appointed Office” at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association in New Orleans, La., on January 5, 2018. The study is trying to discover what the barriers are keeping women from seeking appointments to state-level boards and commissions. This project grew out of research they did in summer 2017 with two Meredith students and a Wake Young Women’s Leadership Academy student through the Undergraduate Research Program. Meredith student Mary Kolisnichenko also presented research at the conference that came out of the Meredith Poll. Her presentation, “Polarization in a 2016 Swing State: How Mean Are We?,” examined how different partisans feel about the opposing side, and whether this demonstrates increased polarization in North Carolina.

Associate Professor of Psychology Gwynn Morris was quoted in an Associated Press article about methods to help older people trigger memories. The article was published December 13.

Dianne Raubenheimer, Director of Research, Planning and Assessment, attended the SACSCOC conference in Dallas, Texas, in December and presented a paper titled “Assessing the Assessment: Adding Value to the Comprehensive Program Assessment Experience.”  In the presentation she described enhancements to the CPA process at Meredith over the last few years, and presented the results of survey data from internal and external reviewers, as well as those who coordinated CPA processes at Meredith. Overall, participant results from all three groups show higher satisfaction with the process after these changes were made. Further enhancements to the CPA process are also underway, based on these survey results. The PowerPoint slides of the presentation are available on My Meredith > RPA > Assessment Information and Updates.

News Briefs
Comedy Night on January 26
Need a Laugh?  LOL with Steven Hofstetter at Comedy Night! The Meredith Activities Board is hosting Comedy Night on Friday, January 26 at 7:30 p.m. in 2nd Cate. Our featured comedian is Steven Hofstetter with opener Mark Brady.

The show is free and there will be free snacks/concessions available beginning at 6:30 p.m. Feel free to bring family and friends to the show. This is a “PG 13” show.

You will have the opportunity to enter your name for door prize drawings at the event. Come out for a fun time!

Leadership Conference for High School Women 2018

The Office of Student Leadership and Service and Office of Admissions will co-host Meredith’s annual Leadership Conference for High School Women on Saturday, February 3. During this drive-in conference, Meredith will host 250 high school juniors from across North Carolina and the surrounding states for a daylong leadership development conference focusing on the use of one’s natural strengths and essential skills for successful leadership. This year’s conference theme, Beyond this Moment, Be a Leader in All You Do, aims to inspire and challenge the rising generation to be intentional with their leadership and the great impact they have in their communities. The conference highlights the importance of and future for female leadership with guest speakers President Jo Allen, Vice President for College Programs Jean Jackson, and Student Body President Kayla Burton. Conference workshops will include a True Colors Assessment and will highlight various leadership styles and skill development, including team management, adaptability, and mastery of emotional intelligence. — Catie Trimble McAnulty, Assistant Director of Student Leadership & Service

Student Email Changing February 13
Beginning February 13, students will use their NET-IDs to access their Meredith Gmail. NET-IDs are already used to access MyMeredith, CoursEval, and WebAdvisor.

Technology Services shared the following facts about this change, in case students ask questions of faculty/staff:

• Currently, students’ NetID passwords and G Suite passwords are separate and they will remain separate until the students update their  NET-IDs after February 13.
• No immediate action is necessary: While students are free to change their passwords at any time, this is only required every 180 days. Reminders are sent starting 15 days from the expiration date.
• After February 13, the next time students change their NetID passwords Meredith’s system will immediately synchronize that new NetID password with the student Gmail account password. Students should make sure to update all of their devices and applications that they have already set up to access their student Gmail accounts to match the new password in NetID.

Please keep in mind that students will NOT be changing to the @meredith.edu domain. Their emails will remain at @email.meredith.edu

–Submitted by Jennie Robinson, Technology Services Coordinator

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330
