Faculty/Staff Accomplishments 4/24/24
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In this issue, we celebrate the accomplishments of faculty and staff in the School of Business, history, music, political science, and psychology.
Michael Altman, Hospitality and Tourism Management Program Director, co-presented an eDynamic Learning webinar panel titled Strategies for Engaging College Students on Their Journey to Graduation. The webinar focused on how to captivate college students’ attention while fostering meaningful engagement in their education. Some of the practical approaches discussed were bridging the gap between lectures and real-world experience, igniting learners’ interest through gamified experiences, and nurturing the development of lifelong learners. The recording is available online.
Professor of History Dan Fountain and Associate Professor of History Angela Robbins presented their research on Meredith College history at the North Carolina Association of Historians’ annual meeting at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Dr. Robbins presented the findings featured in her article in Southern Cultures on Delia Dixon-Carroll’s views on women’s suffrage and white supremacy. Dr. Fountain spoke on his research about early Meredith College trustees, white supremacy, and his public history students’ contributions to the Locating Slavery’s Legacies Database. Both faculty presentations were opportunities to share the findings and progress made through Meredith’s ongoing Anti-Racism Initiative.
Instructor of Accounting Dr. Nancy L. Johnson presented two sessions at the MBAAI Conference, in the North American Accounting Society (NAAS) track on April 11. First, she led a panel presentation and discussion titled “AI and the Accounting Classroom: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” along with panel contributors Grace Johnson, Marietta College, and Elizabeth J. Rozell, Missouri State University. Dr. Johnson also presented a research paper session discussing SoLT research co-authored with Assistant Professor of Psychology Dr. Candalyn Rade, titled: “Effective Accounting Instructional Design: A Correlative Study of Student Access of Online Learning Resources and Academic Performance”.
Assistant Professor of Strategy Dr. Sergei Kolomeitsev has articles published in February 2024 in two A* level journals. (A* is the highest quality rating for journals as designated on the ABDC list, the gold-standard list for business publications.) His first article “Avoidance and Aggression in Stakeholder Engagement: The Impact of CEO Paranoia and Paranoia-Relevant Cues” was published in the Academy of Management Journal. The second article “Peer Response to Regulatory Enforcement: Lobbying by Non-Sanctioned Firms” was published in the Journal of Management.
Associate Professor of Political Science Dr. Jeffrey Martinson provided expert commentary on the conflict between Israel and Iran to two local media outlets. He spoke to WTVD (ABC-11) on April 15 and on WPTF Radio Afternoon News on April 16.
Assistant Professor of Psychology Candalyn Rade and Assistant Professor of I-O Psychology Jenna McChesney contributed to Employing Our Returning Citizens, a book that was published on April 5. Rade and McChesney contributed a chapter titled “Stereotypes and Perceived Hierabililty of People with Criminal Histories.” Rade was the first author of a chapter titled “An Examination of Barriers and Challenges to Securing and Maintaining Employment with a Criminal Record During the COVID-19 Pandemic” with co-authors Kemi S. Anazodo and Rosemary Ricciardelli.
Associate Professor of History Angela Robbins has published “White supremacy in North Carolina rests in woman’s hands”: Dr. Delia Dixon-Carroll and the Power of White Women Voters,” in SouthernCultures 30 no. 1 (April 2024.) Dr. Robbins concludes that Dixon-Carroll (1872-1934), long recognized as a suffragist and social reformer, was prominent in North Carolina politics in the 1920s and 1930s. She delivered dozens of speeches across the state ahead of the general election in fall 1920, influencing white women to register and vote for Democratic candidates. As a suffragist, clubwoman, and Raleigh’s first woman physician, she embodied the new woman of the early 20th century; at the same time, she extolled the traditions represented by the Democratic party, notably the white supremacy campaign of 1898 and Charles Aycock’s administration. Stumping alongside the state’s most powerful Democrats, she assured those who had opposed suffrage that white women’s votes were critical to preserving the status quo, and that “when it comes to a question of white supremacy, the women of North Carolina will be there.” A stalwart partisan and spokesperson recognized by her contemporaries as a party leader, Dixon-Carroll campaigned for Democrats for the rest of her life.
Director of Instrumental Activities Jim Waddelow conducted the 2024 Pitt County High School All-County Orchestra in Greenville, N.C., on April 4, 2024.
The final issue of Campus Connections for the Spring 2024 semester will be published on May 8. The newsletter will publish monthly during the summer. Send submissions for Faculty/Staff Accomplishments to Melyssa Allen, newsletter editor, at allenme@meredith.edu.
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