
Faculty/Staff Accomplishments 12/4/18

In this issue we celebrate the accomplishments of faculty and staff in education, facilities services, music, and religious and ethical studies.

Patty Blackwell, Facilities Services, USAF veteran, has worked with a group called Hidden Voices over the past year, along with other female veterans. The exhibition created from their endeavor was displayed in At Ease: Bridging the Military-Civilian Divide, at the UNC-Chapel Hill Student Union gallery from Nov. 12 until Dec. 2. Will Thomas provided photography and served as exhibit curator. The portraits, shadow boxes, and letters provide insight regarding the service of female veterans, and hopes to bridge some of the communication gap between veterans and the civilian community. Hidden Voices is hoping to continue showing the exhibition throughout the country at various venues as they are made available.

Shannon Grimes, Professor of Religious and Ethical Studies, presented her paper “Secrets of the God Makers: Alchemy and the Priesthood in Roman Egypt” at the national American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature conference held in Denver, Nov. 16-20.

Professors of Education Monica McKinney and Mary Kay Delaney presented a paper, Resisting Audit Culture Through Philosophy: Beginning and Veteran Teachers Reflect on Teaching and The Purposes of Education, at the annual meeting of American Educational Studies Association, November 11, in Greenville, S.C.

Professors of Education Cece Toole and Julie Schrock presented at the Professional Organization Development (POD) Network Conference in Portland, Oregon on November 15.  Their session was titled Analyzing the Impact of Faculty Development:  Are Changes Needed?

Director of Instrumental Activities Jim Waddelow spent November 4 in a day-long string technique workshop with the orchestra students of Chapel Hill High School. On November 12, Waddelow gave a co-presentation with Meredith alumna Carrie Henderson. They presented “Smooth Sailing: A Low-Stress Approach to Preparing Students for Musical Performance Assessment” at the North Carolina Music Educator Association state convention in Winston Salem.  He conducted the top 50 students of the All-Alamance County Senior High Honor Orchestra in a two-day workshop and performance on November 14-15 in Burlington, N.C.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
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