Do You Really Know Your Digital Self?

Coming January 2018

Over 15.4 million American consumers were hit with identity theft in 2016.

We want you to be really you online – not someone else. You deserve to know how to fight cyber identity thieves. Will you fight or join the statistic?

Join our security awareness training program and understand how to keep your digital profile uniquely you and completely safe. Our training program uses real life examples and interactive challenges to make you aware of hacks and tactics used by cyber thieves. Join the fight by signing up here:

Graphic stating that Not all emails are safe. Can you spot the difference?

Graphic depicting a potential scamming message

Graphic highlighting in red the area of the email that could indicated that its a scam

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330