Board Approves Tenure and Promotions – Spring 2024

Meredith’s Board of Trustees has approved the following faculty members for promotion and tenure.

Tenure and promotion to Professor:
Laura Prestwood, Department of Human Environmental Sciences

Tenure and promotion to Associate Professor:
Andrea Carter, Department of Chemistry, Physics, and Geoscience
Yunsik Choi, School of Business
Dylan Glotzer, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Emily Howard, Department of Art
Pamela Norcross, Department of Human Environmental Sciences
Betty-Shannon Prevatt, Department of Psychology
Brian Routh, School of Business
Heather Sanderson, Department of Nutrition, Health, and Human Performance

Promotion to Professor:
Sasha Ormond, Department of Chemistry, Physics, and Geoscience
Andrea McPherson, Department of Psychology

Promotion to Assistant Professor of Practice:
Michael Altman, School of Business

Promotion to Associate Professor of Practice:
Ashley Hogan, Department of English

Retiring Professor approved for Emeritus Status:
Walda Powell, Department of Chemistry, Physics, and Geoscience

Congratulations to these faculty members!

Melyssa Allen

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