Assessment Matters: Spring 2024 Student Satisfaction Survey

Results from the 2024 Student Satisfaction Survey show that overall Meredith’s student satisfaction levels have stayed positive. In the first week of February, 1208 undergraduate students were invited to participate in the survey, and 505 students completed the questionnaire.

The following are some highlights that show significant levels of student satisfaction with their Meredith experiences:

  • 98% reported that faculty/staff members have shown interest in their development
  • 97% have clearer expectations of themselves than when they entered college
  • 96% are glad they came to Meredith
  • 96% are satisfied with their student experience at Meredith
  • 94% agreed that they had been supported in identifying and/or enhancing their strengths

In order to gather some qualitative data about the Meredith experience, the 2024 Student Satisfaction Survey asked students about “some of the most important factors that keep you at Meredith.” The following comments are a sample of the kind of responses we received:

“Great faculty who are extremely kind and understanding, feeling close to the people around you and a nice campus.”

“The support and community I feel within the college.”

“Small school size, small faculty-to-student ratio, people are nice”

“The support system and numerous resources”

“I have created a huge support system on Meredith’s campus. It kind of feels like home to me. It really has been a helpful transition into adulthood.”

“Friends, Graduating early”

“The faculty and staff knowing my name and making me feel heard and supported has kept me at Meredith.”

The results from this survey are used by a number of units on campus in their annual assessment processes and to make ongoing improvements, as well as by the Student Success Center to reach out to students who have expressed particular concern(s) or are deemed a retention risk. 

Thank you to everyone for working to enhance the experiences and satisfaction of our students!

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330