Assessment Matters: Gallup Survey shows that Meredith students are self-confident and intentional

At the end of the spring 2017 semester, Meredith College was invited to participate in a survey administered by Gallup. The survey was administered to students at selected colleges and asked current students how they engage in college. Former students were also surveyed in a parallel survey. According to Inside Higher Ed (April 20, 2016), Gallup “will survey Americans on their higher education experiences and perspectives, with the goal of gleaning information that can increase college success”.  A representative sample of Meredith students responded to the survey (36% response rate, with a 3.25% margin of error).  National results should be made available by Gallup in the near future.

Highlights of survey results are summarized below through the lens of StrongPoints, Meredith’s comprehensive advising and coaching program.


The Meredith community utilizes Gallup’s CliftonStrengths assessment to help students, staff and faculty identify their top five strengths. However, the Gallup survey asked students to comment on their strengths, not with regard to the CliftonStrengths assessment, but in terms of their general self-perceptions of their strengths and abilities.

Meredith students say they are ….

  • Dependable and self-disciplined (81% agree or strongly agree)
  • Sympathetic and warm (73%)
  • Open to new experiences and are complex (71%)

Most students say they are not:

  • Disorganized and careless (76%)
  • Conventional and uncreative (71%)

Academic Planning

98% of students have met with their academic advisor at least once in the last semester.

Students agree that academic advisors have been helpful in assisting them to:

  • Choose courses to take (97%),
  • Choose a major or minor (93%),
  • Identify or evaluate career options (89%).

93% of students say she has had at least one professor who makes her excited about learning.

93% of students say she is deeply interested in her major field of study/studies.

Professors have been helpful in assisting students to:

  • Prepare for exams (98%)
  • Complete homework (99%)

Career Planning

87% reported that the faculty and staff at MC are committed to helping students find a rewarding career.

86% say they have had at least one professor, faculty or staff member initiate a conversation about career options.

86% report that what they are learning knowledge and skills that they will need to be successful in the job market.

88% report that what they are learning knowledge and skills that they will need to be successful in the workplace.

88% are confident their major field of study/studies will lead to a good job.

77% of students have sought out career services on campus at least once.

Bar graph showing percentages of students with various types of financial aid











Students receiving any of these services consistently rate them as very helpful.

  • 100% agreed career services were helpful in assisting them to apply for a job;
  • 98.5% agreed career services were helpful in assisting them to create or revise a resume; and
  • 98% that they were helpful in providing information about potential career options or jobs.

Financial Literacy

Meredith students fund their education in a variety of ways.

Of the students responding to this question, 74% plan to borrow less than $60,000, 65% less than $50,000 and 56% less than $40,000.

Bar graph of the percentage of students seeking a particular service











Experiential Involvement

More than 75% of students participate in a student club or organization.

52% have worked on a project that took more than a semester to complete.

40% hold a leadership position in a club or organization.

20% have collaborated with a professor on a research project or publication.

83% agree or strongly agree they are being well prepared for life outside of college.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
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