Assessment Matters 1/24/18

In this issue, Assessment Matters focuses on 2017 survey reports available, a reminder of the College’s survey policy, and updates on the annual student satisfaction survey and SACS.

Surveys conducted in fall 2017 and reports available

The Office of Research, Planning and Assessment administered a number of surveys this past fall. The following are some key surveys conducted in fall 2017 that helped us gather data that might have broader use on campus. We are happy to provide specific sub-reports based on these surveys, upon request.

  • Survey of Meredith Commuter Students
  • Residence Life Survey
  • First Semester Student Success Survey
  • Student Athletes’ Experience Survey
  • FYE & SRP Survey
  • Freshman Orientation Survey – Freshman, Transfer, & WINGS
  • Carlyle Campbell Library Survey
  • Survey of Students Communication Preferences
  • SLS Comprehensive Program Assessment Student Survey
  • Math Program Alumnae Survey

Reminder of Meredith survey policy

A quick reminder, all surveys deployed to students, faculty and staff of Meredith College need to be directed through RPA. Please familiarize yourself with the policy by going to My Meredith>>RPA and scrolling down to “Requesting a Survey” to review the policy.  A form requesting approval for a time to deploy your survey can also be located on the RPA’s My Meredith page or by clicking here.

Annual student satisfaction survey

We are preparing to deploy the annual Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) which will be available to all students towards the end of January. Please contact us now if you have a need for items to be included in this survey. This is an important survey that provides important assessment and trend data, so it is very important to encourage student participation. Thus, the RPA staff ask that you please encourage students to participate in this survey, if you have the opportunity. In order to boost participation we offer great incentives such as opportunities to register early for fall 2018 and other Meredith themed prizes.

SACS update

New SACSCOC standards were approved at their annual conference in December 2017. Meredith’s decennial review will occur under these new standards and we will submit our self-study in September 2020, for a site visit in spring 2021. Teams will be identified this spring to begin working on the self-study.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330