Annual Employee Awards & Recognition Celebration Held

Meredith College held its annual awards and recognition celebration for employees on April 26, 2021. 

The virtual ceremony began with opening remarks from President Jo Allen, in which she said 2020-21 was a year in which “every single employee deserves recognition” for their work supporting the College.

Service awards were shared for employees who reached milestone years of employment in either 2020 or 2021. 

Employees who retired in 2020 or will retire at the end of this academic year were also recognized for their contributions to Meredith:

  • Robin Baneth (Technology Services), 
  • Claytona Nixon (Institutional Advancement), 
  • Brent Pitts (World Languages & Cultures), 
  • Garry Walton (English/School of Arts & Humanities), 
  • Marie Chamblee (School of Education, Health, and Human Sciences), 
  • Doreen Fairbank (Psychology)
  • Mary Jane Lenard (Business) 
  • Doug Spero (Communication)
  • Jane Terry (Art) 

The following recognition awards were also presented to faculty and staff during the event.

Access Award:  Alan Buck, Assistant Professor of Communication 

Staff Recognition Awards: 

Charlie Bowden, Academic Technology Systems Specialist

Mary Johnson, Director of Student Health Services

Adjunct Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching: Grace Huey-Yuh Lin, Adjunct Professor, World Languages and Cultures

Harry and Marion Eberly Faculty Development Award: Emily Lada, Assistant Professor of Mathematics 

Pauline Davis Perry Award for Excellence in Teaching: Alisa Johnson, Associate Professor of English

Pauline Davis Perry Award for Research, Publication and/or Artistic Achievement: Steven A. Benko, Professor of Religious and Ethical Studies

Ida H. Friday Faculty Award: Betty-Shannon Prevatt, Assistant Professor of Psychology

The Allen and Barbara Page Presidential Award: Robert Luedtke, Security Supervisor – Operations

Laura Harrill Presidential Award

Cathie Ostrowski, Dietetic Internship Program Director, 

Dianne Raubenheimer, Director of Research, Planning, and Assessment.


Melyssa Allen

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