Academic Coaching Now Available to All Students

This fall, we introduced Academic Skills Coaching to ensure that every student has the support she needs to thrive academically.

As issues come up throughout each semester, there might be different topics a student would want to go over with an academic coach. Here are some topics your student might be interested in exploring:

  • Academic goal setting
  • Study strategies
  • Time management
  • Strengths application in the classroom
  • Grade evaluation and tracking
  • Increasing motivation
  • Create and implement academic action plans
  • Making better use of campus resources
  • Prioritizing assignments and commitments

Academic skills coaching sessions are by appointment and can be scheduled via the Academic Advising website. For inquiries, please encourage your student to email our academic skills coaches at or call the Office of Academic Advising at (919) 760-8809.

Thank you for sharing this information with your student. We look forward to meeting with her!

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330