2017 CSA Day Being Planned

The planning stages for this year’s Celebrating Student Achievement (CSA) Day are currently underway.  This year, Undergraduate Research is encouraging students interested in CSA Day participation to fill out a preliminary information form prior to the abstract submission period.

This preliminary survey will allow them to describe the scope of their research projects, and will be open to students from January 16 through February 10.

The Undergraduate Research Advisory Committee will also be hosting two abstract workshops prior to the abstract submission period.  These workshop sessions will be held:

  • February 8 in Harris 214 from 10-10:50 a.m.
  • February 22 in Harris 110 from 10-10:50 a.m.

The abstract submission period for CSA Day will run from February 23 through March 3.

–Submitted by Ashley Whaley, Administrative Assistant, Academic Special Programs

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330
