2016 Retired Faculty and Staff Luncheon Held

The Office of Institutional Advancement hosted the sixth annual Retired Faculty and Staff luncheon on Friday, September 17, 2016 in Belk Dining Hall. The event gives guests time to reconnect and learn about the latest accomplishments of the College. More than 60 guests were in attendance.

“This is one of our favorite events to do, because the love for Meredith truly radiates when this group is together,” said Director of Advancement Services Astra Ball, who coordinated the event on behalf of Institutional Advancement.

Speakers included Lennie Barton, vice president for institutional advancement, Donna Battle, chaplain, Allen Page, former academic vice president, and President Jo Allen, ʼ80.

Page currently serves as co-chair for the faculty and staff campaign. He informed the group that in 2015-16 current faculty and staff supported the Beyond Strong campaign with 72.5% participation. He was also pleased to announce the 40% of faculty emeritus and retired faculty and staff gave to the campaign showing the support of the wonderful institution they worked for at one time.

Reflecting on his time at Meredith, Page said, “I don’t miss work, but I miss people. I miss co-workers and former students. It is good to stay connected with the community. Communication and connectedness is important at this stage of our life.”

The event gave those in attendance an opportunity to hear campus updates from President Allen including enrollment growth, visitation day record numbers, and an increase in students studying abroad in Sansepolcro. Details about renovations to Johnson Hall, as well as other campus improvements, and financial news were shared. Those in attendance also learned more about Beyond Strong │The Campaign for Meredith and the impact it will create.

“Through the ages we are what we are because of you,” said President Allen. “We thank you for all you do for the life of Meredith College.”

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330
